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Objective: Establish an outreach timeline for stakeholder, partners, and/or local schools <br />(students in grades 6-12 and college campuses) to promote GenZ Reporting. <br />Task Description: Create, establish, and implement a timeline to promote campaign. <br />This task includes: <br />a. Developing a draft calendar with respective outreach activities for Santa Ana <br />Project Manager approval <br />Responsibilities: <br />Comm LAB shall: <br />a. Create a timeline. <br />b. Present timeline to and seek approval of Santa Ana Project Manager <br />c. Execute activities in accordance with the approved timeline. <br />Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Approve timeline for execution. <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon the completion of the deliverables detailed in the <br />task description above and when the Santa Ana Project Manager signs the task <br />completion letter. Planned completion and invoicing will be at the end of October 2022. <br />TASK 6-B: MICRO CAMPAIGN: GENZ REPORTING: VIDEO DEVELOPMENT <br />Objective: Develop videos to deliver key messages to Orange County's general <br />population conducive to SafeOC's objectives to encourage Genz demographics to <br />report suspicious activity. <br />Task Description: Research and create videos to raise awareness of reporting <br />initiatives. This task includes: <br />a. Identify partnerships <br />b. Conceptualize messages and scripts <br />c. Collect necessary collateral and produce film <br />Responsibilities: <br />Comm LAB shall: <br />a. Create videos to appeal to the selected demographic <br />b. Draft scripts and any necessary digital assets <br />20 <br />