Laserfiche WebLink
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Develop a modern site with useful, yet aesthetically pleasing elements that will create a <br />positive experience for users accessing the website for information. <br />a. Develop a comprehensive new website for OCIAC <br />b. Ensure mobile compatibility <br />c. Include SEO to optimize results <br />Responsibilities: <br />Comm LAB shall: <br />a. Develop a draft website that is reflective of approved copy, sitemap and <br />wireframes <br />b. Implement updates from the Santa Ana project manager <br />c. Provide final website <br />Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Provide all edits to staff to implement <br />b. Approve final website before transitioning live <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon the completion of the deliverables detailed in the <br />task description above and when the Santa Ana Project Manager signs the task <br />completion letter. Planned completion and invoicing will be at the end of February <br />2023. <br />TASK 10: COLLATERAL MATERIALS <br />Objective: Develop, produce and update digital collateral materials for use in all <br />programming and communications as appropriate. <br />Task Description: Handle design, writing, production and digital distribution of all <br />materials supporting initiatives. <br />Responsibilities: <br />Comm LAB -shall: <br />a. Develop all materials and seek approval from the Santa Ana Project Manager <br />b. Produce materials in accordance with the Santa Ana Project Manager's <br />guidance <br />32 <br />