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Group JEdul:otianaI (Scl wl) Reserv-sitioils <br />'J1w Z4w offers edueaflon programs ror &cbool groups_ The Zoo offers two pagans Chat arc lased, and <br />groups can add activities if drsired. Vducation prvgrama typicaIly inr.I-A& regular zoo admission. Eduratiunal <br />rnarerrials arc sent via email with the customer's reservation confirmation. <br />The group mscrvationg porfl-un of the Iickviong system capabilities should include, but iiot bt limited ro, ull of <br />the fall-Dwiiig: <br />1. Supporl group mmervalions tied to specific lacatiotrs thto„ shout Lhc Zoo gmuridt. <br />Zr Allow for both guided and aetf-guided rewtvatior s. <br />1 Allow a school group to submit tltic following key informal ion onl i ne when c i-cou ng lhcir reScr ration <br />a. Name of school or group <br />b. Comm infarrnatiorr, jncludinl : name, L itl.e_ einai I address. adc9reI.S_ phrone number <br />c. Grade level of Uie group (E.G., PRE-K_ K, first Grade, etc.) <br />d. Number of students, teachers, adul L ehaprronrs <br />e. Jute and time preference far the -66iL. Nuic: syswrn shau Id only show dawn and times that are <br />available to be reserved_ <br />4. Ability rrr manage rt!servaliun of u gruup or [our without FL:quiring each irLdividua l nwmc for this lype of <br />regisErado t. <br />5. Ahilit}' to track cash group reservation or tour Mart time and end time. <br />6. Ability gaff W view a complctc schcdulcoigroup reservations bookings. <br />7. ProwWc the ability for cus# cry to book- Choir reservation online. submit the request to staff for approval <br />and then have staf'fcreace a Nrctmsc Order and! -Dr Invoice to be paid PLfrer the rrsrrvation is cnnfirmcd, <br />Pa rty o r Even t Rese rvations <br />The Zoo pmperty fies four arcaa available for evem rental. Each area bas unilgle feacur-cs and allows diffcrm <br />arnen ities and size of gaup. Rentals have specific tirrrc slats~ and irx I udr a certain numkr of all -day guest <br />adm issium (adu Iis and ch-3Idrenr a set number pf ride t W kc't Woks (contain ing 20 tickets eat) for the Zoo rides, <br />and a 5a number of Wur5 in a priwatc rental area (plus set up and clean up tine)_ The Zoo would J Ike to allow <br />clisr0iners to reserve these featals 0111i ye a� %velI as pay far any additional add —on fivetur-c5 such a5 a 139Q. <br />The reri al rtFsery ation portion of the tLckelinr, s'fSlriT1 Coabii shooed inc ludo, bui nor br limited to. all of the <br />l , A bi lit3, Ln reW rvc a spec i Ji r If"IW for an cvcnt, <br />?, Allow the customer W enmr the following key information online to resene their lucati[siti'. <br />a. Name of party 8roup or birthday <br />b. Contact informal ion including name, title, email address, address, phone nurnber <br />c. Number of guests <br />d_ Dare and time _wlectiort_ N,'LL': -1.L}Lrrn tihould Qnly disphly $e'ailaW dates and tirtwS. <br />3. Abil'Lly for Lhc cuslomcr to add on additions) fee --based iL.rrrts Such as gas griIr, clWrical hmkup, mascot <br />visit. animal presentation, etc. ar►d pay for the&e at the timo ofthe reerviati0n: <br />4, AbiIi <br />MMMEMPOty Council 11 /1 /2022 <br />City of Santa Ana iR FP 22-008 <br />Page 14 <br />