State of California The Resources Agency Primary # _____________________________________________
<br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # ________________________________________________
<br />CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial _____________________________________________
<br />Page 3_ of 3_Resource Name: Mason-Heike House
<br />*Recorded by Pedro Gomez *Date July 7, 2022 Continuation Update
<br />DPR 523L
<br />*B10. Significance (continued):
<br />Santa Ana was founded by William Spurgeon in 1869 as a speculative town site on part of the Spanish land grant known as
<br />Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana. The civic and commercial core of the community was centered around the intersection of
<br />Main and Fourth Streets. Stimulated by the arrival of the Santa Fe Railroad and incorporation as a city in 1886, and selection
<br />as the seat of the newly created County of Orange in 1889, the city grew outwards, with residential neighborhoods developing
<br />to the north, south, and east of the city center. Agricultural uses predominated in the outlying areas, with cultivated fields and
<br />orchards dotted with widely scattered farmhouses.
<br />Since the second half of the twentieth century, the neighborhood in which the Mason-Heike House is located has been known
<br />as West Floral Park. Bounded by Santiago Creek on the north, West Seventeenth Street on the south, North Flower Street on
<br />the east and North Bristol Street on the west, this residential area largely developed after 1947. Prior to that time, the area was
<br />primarily agricultural, and other than Flower Street, which was improved with houses during the 1920s and 1930s, contained
<br />only a handful of residences on Baker and Bristol Streets, the City Water Works pumping plant at 2315 North Bristol Street,
<br />and the Animal Shelter and City/County Pound at 2321 North Bristol Street. Between 1947 and 1950, around two dozen homes
<br />were constructed on Baker, Olive, Towner, and Westwood Streets. Construction boomed throughout the neighborhood during
<br />the 1950s, with the California Ranch emerging as the favored residential style.
<br />
<br />The Mason-Heike House qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 1 as relatively
<br />intact example of a Ranch style tract house in Santa Ana. The recommended categorization is “Contributive” because it
<br />contributes to the overall character and history of West Floral Park and is a representative example of Ranch style architecture.
<br />(Santa Ana Municipal Code, Section 30-2.2). Character-defining features of the Mason-Heike House include, but may not be
<br />limited to: horizontal massing and composition; combination of exterior materials including stucco, brick, wood overlap, and
<br />distinctive board and batten siding; X-paneled and partially glazed front door; and multi-light windows.
<br />*B12. References (continued):
<br /> California, Death Index, 1940-1997 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
<br />Harris, Cyril M. American Architecture: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. New York, WW Norton, 1998.
<br />Marsh, Diann. Santa Ana, An Illustrated History. Encinitas, Heritage Publishing, 1994.
<br />McAlester, Virginia and Lee. A Field Guide to American Houses. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.
<br />National Register Bulletin 16A. “How to Complete the National Register Registration Form.” Washington DC: National Register
<br /> (Santa Ana Register)
<br />Branch, National Park Service, US Dept. of the Interior, 1991.
<br />Office of Historic Preservation. “Instructions for Recording Historical Resources.” Sacramento: March 1995.
<br />Whiffen, Marcus. American Architecture Since 1780. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1969.
<br />Santa Ana and Orange County Directories, 1950-1990.
<br />Historic Resources Commission 1 –21 7/7/2022