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III. RULES FOR QUALIFICATIONS <br />The signer of the RFQ must declare in writing that the only person, persons, company, <br />or parties interested in the proposal as principals are named therein; that the proposal <br />is made without collusion with any other person, persons, company, or parties submitting <br />a proposal; that it is in all respects fair and in good faith without collusion or fraud; and <br />that the signer of the proposal has full authority to bind the principal proposer. <br />IV. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT <br />Proposals should be prepared as simply as possible. Emphasis should be concentrated <br />on accuracy, completeness, and clarity of content. Each proposal must conform to the <br />outlined format below. Be sure to provide an answer to each requirement. If a <br />requirement does not pertain to your proposal, enter "NIA" in the table. Proposals with <br />blank sections may be deemed non -responsive. <br />A. Cover letter <br />• The name, firm name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number <br />of the Respondent. <br />• The subject areas in which the Respondent proposes to serve as a <br />Hearing Officer. <br />• Ability to perform the contract. <br />• Knowledge of local government processes. <br />• Any potential conflicts or other matters (e.g., substantial practice <br />areas, capacity, compensation arrangements, personal or business <br />relationships, etc.) that may limit the Respondent's ability to serve as <br />a Hearing Officer or act impartially and fairly or that would create a <br />conflict of interest/ Include any matters in which you have represented <br />persons adverse to the City. <br />• Signed by individual authorized to bind the proposing firm or Hearing <br />Officer contractually. <br />B. Qualifications <br />• Resume or curriculum vitae, listing education, training, background, <br />and experience of the individuals conducting the hearing. <br />• Evidence of California State Bar membership of the individuals <br />conducting the hearings or similar certification and experience that has <br />trained the individual in mediation hearing disputes. <br />• Two (2) writing samples of administrative hearing decisions and/or <br />briefs with an administrative or quasi-judicial body in the State of <br />California. <br />• Minimum of three (3) professional references. <br />• List of current agencies that you are providing administrative hearing <br />services to and the frequency of or days committed to each agency. <br />C. Cost <br />• Compensation proposal, including (i) hourly rate for hearings, billed at <br />quarter-hour increments; (ii) daily minimum hours; <br />RFQ # 22-086: Building Safety Services Page 6 of 10 <br />