Laserfiche WebLink
X DI <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: While online vendor portal sites provide a valuable channel for making an RFP <br />publicly available, SDI believes it is in the City's best interest to alert qualified vendors of the upcoming <br />RFP release. SDI will compile a comprehensive list of public sector ERP solution vendors that provide <br />potential solutions. SDI will review the listing with the City and assist the City in creating a notification <br />message that can be distributed via email. Timely notification of the City's intent to release an RFP will <br />help ensure the City attracts quality solution vendors and allow the vendors to be better prepared to <br />provide a timely response. <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will incorporate any recommended modifications to the draft RFP into a final <br />document and will assist with distribution of the RFP. <br />DELIVERABLE: Final RFP <br />Phase 4 - Select <br />The process for selecting a suitable, best fit ERP solution vendor requires the City to follow a structured <br />methodology. The goal of this phase is to ensure that the vendor that is the "best fit" for the City is <br />selected. Up to this point in the project, the City will have invested heavily in establishing the foundation <br />upon which a best fit selection will be made.The tasks in this phase are focused on ensuring a careful and <br />detailed review of information provided in response to the RFP are conducted, as well as independent <br />research, validation, and verification of content. <br />PHASES TASKS <br />4.1 - Address Vendor Questions <br />4.2 - Prepare Evil a at on Committee <br />4.3 - Conduct Initial Screening of Proposals <br />4.4- Assist with Review and Scoring of Proposals <br />4.5- Prepare for Proof of Capahllilies (POC) <br />4.6 - Facilitate POC Sessions <br />4.7 - Assist with Due Diligence <br />4.8 - Prepare Vendor Selection Report <br />DELIVERABLES <br />Vendor Question Responses <br />Evaluation Scoring Methodology and Mal rix Template <br />Evaluation Scoring Matrix Summary <br />POC Session Agenda and Scripts <br />Vendor Selection Report <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: Release of a clear and well -structured RFP will dramatically reduce the number of <br />vendor questions. However, due to the complex nature of ERP procurements, the City should anticipate <br />that vendors will submit questions that must be addressed to ensure quality proposals are received. In <br />this task, SDI will assist the City in responding to vendor questions. <br />DELIVERABLE: Vendor Question Responses <br />