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GOAL SETTING AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT <br />Our design team will initially conduct visioning sessions with all <br />project stakeholders, including users, City property management <br />and maintenance staff as well as others as desired. This <br />collaborative goal setting ensures a common understanding from <br />the inception of the project and establishes the foundation for how <br />we will measure success at project completion. Ultimately your <br />definition of success is the only one that matters. <br />Part of these visioning explorations also involve actively engaging <br />your community. Given the public health concerns, this is a <br />particularly challenging time to gather public input, however <br />there are a number of ways to approach the challenge. It will <br />be important to provide a variety of methods to get maximum <br />participation and inclusivity, ideas such as: <br />Groupmap exercise. This is the quietest brainstorming <br />session one could attend! This online platform allows <br />participants to provide their ideas as well as provide feedback <br />on other participants ideas in real time. It is a wonderful <br />tool to get folks who ordinarily wouldn't speak up in a public <br />setting to have their voice heard. <br />Outdoor public meetings. These could be small group <br />meetings, socially distanced, at various times during the day <br />so that they are flexible and accessible. Or use a football <br />field to do a more physically interactive exercise with children <br />in the community. <br />A community bulletin board. Post a bulletin board, supplied <br />with sticky notes and pens, with question prompts for <br />community members to post their comments in City Hall, the <br />Memorial Park Center, or the Police Department. Photos <br />could be taken daily to track the development. <br />Online town hall meeting. These could be moderated <br />discussions with "breakout rooms" to allow for smaller group <br />discussions. <br />HOW DO WE GENERATE THE <br />BEST RESULTS? <br />Our entire process involves collaboration <br />with our clients and partners, so that each <br />project results in something we've created <br />together, <br />CD <br />col <br />CITY OF SANTA Apo NL'X C17MMUNI rY CENTER 1 7 <br />