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(i) Been subject to a Letter of Map Revision prepared by the <br />Federal Emergency Management Agency and issued to the <br />local jurisdiction; or <br />(ii) Meets Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements <br />necessary to meet minimum flood plain management criteria of <br />the National Flood Insurance Program. <br />(G) Within a regulatory floodway, unless all development on the site has <br />received a no -rise certification. <br />(H) Land identified for conservation in an adopted natural community <br />conservation plan, habitat conservation plan, or other adopted natural <br />resource protection plan. <br />(1) Habitat for protected species. <br />(J) Land under conservation easement. <br />(2) The applicant must provide evidence that the requirements of Government <br />Code section 65913.4(a)(6)(B)-(K) are satisfied. <br />(d) Not Historic. The lot must not be a historic property or within a historic district that <br />is included on the State Historic Resources Inventory. Nor may the lot be or be <br />within a site that is designated by ordinance or resolution as a city or county <br />landmark or as a historic property or district, or a structure of merit. A structure of <br />merit is defined as meeting one or more of the following: <br />(1) It is associated with events that have made a significant contribution in our <br />past. <br />(2) It is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. <br />(3) It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, architectural style <br />or method of construction, or represents the work of a master, or possesses <br />high artistic or historic value, or represents a significant and distinguishable <br />collection whose individual components may lack distinction. <br />(4) It yields, or maybe likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. <br />(5) Its unique location or singular physical characteristic represents an <br />established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood. <br />(e) No Impact on Protected Housing. <br />(1) The two -unit project must not require or include the demolition or alteration of <br />-any of the following types of housing: <br />Ordinance No. NS-3038 <br />Page 44 of 54 <br />