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5) MODIFICATIONS AND REVISIONS <br />This MOU and its Attachments 1, 2, 3, 3-1, and 4, as well as the Office Lease for the AJCC <br />referenced and incorporated herein, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and no <br />oral understanding not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. This MOU <br />may be modified, altered, or revised, as necessary, by mutual consent of the parties, by the issuance <br />of a written amendment, signed and dated by the parties, which may require approval by the <br />governing body of each Party. Assignment of responsibilities under this MOU by any of the parties <br />shall require prior written notice and preapproval of all parties. Any assignee shall also commit <br />in writing to the terms of this MOU. <br />6) SANTA ANA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES <br />Santa Ana's vision rests on integrating current and future resources through its SAWDB Partners. <br />Integration suggests more than partnering or assembling multiple funding sources. It means <br />malting certain that all elements of the workforce support system work together to create inviting <br />and seamless services wherever a client enters the system. Santa Ana's vision is sensitive to the <br />needs of its unique demographics. The SAWDB's overall strategies include: <br />a) Identifying regional industry clusters (e.g., manufacturing cluster, medical cluster, etc.) to <br />create new jobs in winch Santa Ana's workforce can participate; <br />b) Expanding small business development support as a creator of new jobs and method for <br />growing the local tax base; <br />c) Educating Santa Ana's current and future worlforce through classroom pre -training and <br />training activities, plus on-the-job training and workforce shill enhancement activities; <br />d) Offering career pathway programs for both unemployed and employed adults and youth; <br />e) Increasing access to jobs for disconnected and underserved populations, especially youth; <br />f) Organizing, integrating and supporting social and other services through the SAWDB's <br />network of partnerships, volunteer organizations, and established institutional resources; <br />and, <br />g) Assuring funding from all public, private, and other sources in support of its programs. <br />7) ONE -STOP SYSTEM & SERVICES <br />A. LOCATION <br />The AJCC is currently located in Santa Ana as follows: <br />American Job Center (Comprehensive AJCC) <br />Santa Ana WORK CENTER <br />801 W. Civic Center Drive, Suite 200 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />(714)565-2600 <br />Open to the Public: Monday — Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm <br />(Closed on major holidays) <br />