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h. Workforce preparation activities, including: basic academic; and, obtaining other <br />skills necessary for successful transition into postsecondary education, training or <br />employment; <br />i. Financial literacy services; and, <br />j. Out -of -area job search assistance and relocation assistance. <br />3. Training Services: <br />a. Occupational skills training; <br />b. On -the -Job training; <br />c. Incumbent worker training; <br />d. Programs that combine workplace training with related instruction, which may <br />include cooperative education programs; <br />e. Training programs operated by the private sector; <br />f. Skill upgrading and retraining; <br />g. Entrepreneurial training programs; <br />h. Transitional jobs; <br />i. Job readiness training provided in combination with any of the aforementioned <br />training Services; <br />j. Adult education and literacy activities, including: activities of English language <br />acquisition; and, integrated education and training programs provided concurrently <br />or in combination with any of the aforementioned training services; <br />k. Customized training; <br />1. Internships and work experiences that are linked to careers; and, <br />in. English language acquisition and integrated education and training program. <br />4. E_m_ plover Services: <br />a. Recruitment and other business services on behalf of employers. <br />C. SYSTEM STRUCTURE <br />1. AJCC ONE -STOP OPERATOR PROCUREMENT <br />The SAWDB will procure the AJCC Operator through a competitive process in accordance with <br />the Uniform Guidance Cost Principles contained in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, <br />Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 CPR part 200 (Uniform <br />Guidance), including the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approved exceptions for the <br />U.S. Department of Labor at 2 CFR part 2900, WIOA and its implementing regulations, and local <br />procurement laws and regulations. All documentation for the competitive AJCC operator <br />procurement will be available for public inspection. The State requires that the AJCC operator is <br />re -competed at least every three years and no later than every four years. <br />2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES <br />a. Provision of Applicable Career Services and Participation in Planning and Development: <br />The parties to this MOU will work closely together to ensure that the AJCC is a high -performing <br />work place with staff that ensure quality of service. The AJCC Partner has indicated they shall <br />provide an array of applicable career services to clients as set forth in the Santa Ana AJCC Partner <br />