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,INSURANCE NOT ON FILE <br />`�/ORK MAY NOT PROCEED <br />J CLERK OF COUNCIL <br />DATE: <br />ez <br />LICENSE AGREEMENT <br />N-2023-070 <br />6 'pUJA(\\) This LICENSE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is dated as of March 30, 2023, and entered into by <br />(`,,u-J -0 1(AN) and between the CITY OF SANTA ANA, a charter city and municipal corporation existing under the <br />Constitution and laws of the State of California ("City"), and Southern California Edison Company <br />("Licensee"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. The City is the owner of that certain real property located in the City of Santa_Ana, <br />County of Orange, California, more specifically identified as the eastern terminus of Alton Avenue <br />between Standard Avenue and SR-55 Freeway, as depicted on Exhibit A ("License Area"). <br />B. Licensee desires to use the License Area for purposes of storing vehicles, materials, and <br />other construction equipment and stockpile during the License period ("Permitted Uses"). <br />C. The City has agreed to grant Licensee a license to use the License Area, on the terms and <br />conditions set forth in this Agreement. <br />NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein <br />contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: <br />1. License. The City hereby grants to Licensee a nonexclusive license for the right to enter <br />and use the License Area beginning on March 31, 2023, for the Permitted Uses described in Recital B, <br />upon the terms and conditions set forth herein ("License"), subject to Licensee's performance of all of its <br />obligations under this Agreement. This License shall remain in effect until Tune 30, 2023, unless <br />extended in writing by the Executive Director of the Public Works Agency, or his or her designee. The <br />License may be terminated by City upon thirty (30) days written notice. This Agreement is intended and <br />shall be construed only as a revocable license to use the License Area and not as a lease or grant of any <br />possessory or other interest. <br />2. Compliance with Laws. Licensee shall cause all activities of Licensee under this <br />Agreement and all activities on the License Area to be performed in compliance with all applicable <br />federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations, and permits. <br />3. Best Management Practices and Clean Up. At its sole cost, Licensee shall clean up and <br />install, implement, and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) at the License Area as outlined <br />below. <br />Within seven (7) days of occupying the License Area, the Licensee shall: <br />(a) Remove old and/or damaged sediment control BMPs from the License Area and <br />install new sediment control BMPs along the entire perimeter of the License Area. <br />Appropriate sediment control BMPs include straw wattle, gravel bag berm, or silt <br />fence. Licensee shall install sediment control BMPs per the SE-5, SE-6, or SE-1 <br />details provided in the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) <br />Stormwater BMP Handbook for Construction. <br />(b) Install tracking control BMPs at the vehicle access point to the License Area. <br />Licensee shall install tracking control BMPs per the TC-1 detail provided in the <br />California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Stormwater BMP Handbook <br />for Construction. <br />Page I of 5 <br />