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City of Santa Ana <br />Agreement No.: D2201000 <br />Project No.:C-06-8478-110 <br />Page 10 of 48 <br />A.2.2 Reports <br />A.2.2.1 Progress Reports. <br />(a) The Recipient must provide a progress report to the Division each quarter, beginning no later <br />than 90 days after execution of this Agreement. <br />(b) The Recipient must provide a progress report with each reimbursement request. Failure to <br />provide a complete and accurate progress report may result in the withholding of Project Funds, <br />as set forth in Exhibit B. <br />(c) A progress report must contain the following Information: <br />A summary of progress to date Including a description of progress since the last report, <br />percent construction complete, percent contractor Invoiced, and percent schedule <br />elapsed; <br />A description of compliance with environmental requirements; <br />M. A listing of change orders including amount, description of work, and change in contract <br />amount and schedule; and <br />iv. Any problems encountered, proposed resolution, schedule for resolution, and status of <br />previous problem resolutions. <br />A.2.2.2 Project Completion Report. <br />(a) The Recipient must submit a Project Completion Report to the Division with a copy to the <br />appropriate Regional Water Board on or before the due date established by the Division and the <br />Recipient at the time of final project inspection. The Project Completion Report must Include the <br />following: <br />Description of the Project, <br />I. Description of the water quality problem the Project sought to address, <br />iii. Discussion of the Project's likelihood of successfully addressing that water quality <br />problem in the future, and <br />iv. Summary of compliance with applicable environmental conditions. <br />(b) If the Recipient fails to submit a timely Project Completion Report, the State Water Board may <br />stop processing pending or future applications for new financial assistance, withhold <br />disbursements under this Agreement or other agreements, and begin administrative proceedings. <br />A.2.2.3 As Needed Reports. <br />The Recipient must provide expeditiously, during the term of this Agreement, any reports, data, <br />and Information reasonably required by the Division, including but not limited to material <br />necessary or appropriate for evaluation of the funding program or to fulfill any reporting <br />requirements of the state or federal government. <br />Exhibit A <br />