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4. Participate in the following campaigns: National Walk to School Day, National 4 <br />Bicycle Safety Month, California's Pedestrian Safety Month and National <br />Pedestrian Safety Month. <br />5. Conduct pedestrian and/or bicycle safety presentations at community groups with 4 <br />an effort to reach individuals. <br />6. Conduct pedestrian and/or bicycle safety courses with an effort to reach 9 <br />community members. <br />7. Develop a pedestrian and/or bicycle safety program and materials to be adopted 2 <br />as an on -going ro ram in schools with an effort to reach students. <br />8. Distribute pedestrian/bicycle safety items at no cost to youth or community 1 <br />members in need, during bicycle rodeos, presentations, workshops, trainings, and <br />community events to increase safety and visibility. <br />9. Develop bicycle and pedestrian safety educational materials to be distributed 1 <br />Burin classroom resentations, worksho s, and communityevents. <br />10. Participate in Safe Routes to School coalition meetings. 4 <br />11. Conduct community outreach events with an effort to reach adults. 6 <br />12. Conduct pre and post -grant activities bicycle helmet usage surveys during the 2 <br />months of October (start of the grant) and September (end of the grant). A pre - <br />survey will be required to determine the base year helmet use rate and a post - <br />survey will be required to determine the operational rate. Upload completed survey <br />to GEMS. <br />13. Distribute and properly fit bicycle helmets at no cost to community members in 600 <br />need, at bicycle rodeos, schools, workshops, and commi inity events. <br />14. Purchase bic de helmets. 600 <br />15. Train individuals to be League Certified Instructors. 1 <br />16. Conduct community bicycle rides providing bicycle safety education to promote 4 <br />safe bicycling in the community with an effort to reach bicyclists. <br />17. Hold quarterly meetings with countywide pedestrian and/or bicycle safety 4 <br />stakeholders to collaborate on events, share best practices, and leverage <br />resources. <br />18. Conduct community engaged bicycle and/or walk audits at locations identified to 1 <br />have a high incidence of pedestrian and/or bicycle fatal or serious injury traffic <br />crashes or "near misses". <br />19. Execute subcontract referenced in the budget. Prior to finalizing the subcontract, 1 <br />grantee will work with the OTS to ensure all costs in the sub contract are <br />allowable. Upon execution of subcontract, upload a copy of the subcontract and <br />request a revision to the grant budget to add new budget line items for associated <br />costs under contractual services. If not vet executed, provide ETA. <br />3. METHOD OF PROCEDURE <br />A. Phase 1 — Program Preparation (V Quarter of Grant Year) <br />• Develop operational plans to implement the "best practice" strategies outlined in the objectives <br />section. <br />• All training needed to implement the program should be conducted in the first quarter. <br />• All grant related purchases needed to implement the program should be made in the first <br />quarter. <br />Media Requirements <br />• Issue a press release approved by the OTS PIO announcing the kick-off of the grant by <br />November 15, but no sooner than October 1. The kick-off release must be approved by the OTS <br />PIO and only distributed after the grant is fully signed and executed. If you are unable to meet the <br />November 15 deadline to issue a kick-off press release, communicate reasons to your OTS <br />coordinator and OTS PIO. <br />B. Phase 2 — Program Operations (Throughout Grant Year) <br />Media Requirements <br />The following requirements are for all rant -related activities: <br />9/30/2022 4:02:25 PM <br />Page 5 of 20 <br />