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PROPOSALFOR <br />On -Call Engineering Design Services <br />PEAS Treatment Systems <br />cost during construction, as full-size anchor layout templates must be created for each vessel, the templates <br />must be field located by surveyors and secured to the formwork to keep the anchors from shifting as the <br />concrete is placed. <br />The convenience of post -installed anchors can be reclaimed by the use of late pour pockets at each of the <br />tank legs. Please refer to the sketches below for a typical plan and section of the late pour pockets. A small <br />portion of the tank foundation will be blocked out with formwork so that the space within the block -out will not <br />be filled with concrete at the time the rest of the foundation concrete is placed. The reinforcing for the <br />foundation will run through the late pour block -out, and it will be located to miss the tank anchors. This will <br />create relatively clear areas at each tank base plate where the cast -in -place anchor bolts can be located with <br />some freedom for field adjustments. Additional reinforcing stirrups (if required) may be placed in the late pour <br />pocket for increased concrete strength. After the tanks are properly located and temporarily supported, the late <br />pour pockets will be filled with high strength cementitious grout. After the grout in the late pour pocket sets, <br />final adjustments to the tank height may be made, to plumb and level the tanks. These adjustments are made <br />using the leveling nuts under the base plates. <br />`-:Nf.fwuoar%aJ� - ` F a/�vv<r%nu <br />FE%N ca�,Ns <br />o 7¢AN6Fo N <br />�FMf-aRnkY� N%bL Si rzEN6YL/ S <br />/SYX17FT <br />le Z/ F !LATE (M�NJbp) <br />c:,>.r Pwc Poc eFT Pm%J <br />IX Preliminary Treatment Sizing <br />NW'-HA%NK- <br />:c.r <br />3u6fKE <br />TANK [,45G !LbTt <br />f-P ON LOL7�W?V <br />-TtM�CucY <br />czar <br />- v ryP/CPL 2e-nmGmc�6 � <br />=.11�-...:. <br />�<o°rr%Wul <br />THRGf/6:l r�TC P&//% PACKfi <br />CUPJ <br />1� N LYfE rOVQ'u' <br />AI✓pr. pptT.1 <br />—/(.'6N 5THE46W f'/t LT <br />I✓ LATE re" R A" <br />IX system sizing is based on the minimum Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT) required to successfully adsorb a <br />particular pollutant and the allowable superficial velocity, or hydraulic loading rate of the vessel. IX treatment <br />for PFAS removal is configured in 2-vessel trains, with one train acting as the lead and the second train acting <br />as the lag (i.e. the vessels operate in series). <br />Santa Ana Well 26 was evaluated to consider what a WAS treatment system for this site could look like. <br />Santa Ana Well 26 supplies the East Reservoir and Pumping Station. The well production from 2010 to 2022 <br />varied from 1,565 gpm to 2,454 gpm. Design criteria of the existing well are summarized in Table 1. <br />TETRA TECH Page 19 <br />