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c. This provision does not apply: The most we will pay on behalf of the <br /> (1) Unless the written contract or written additional insured for a covered claim is the <br /> agreement was executed or permit was lesser of the amount of insurance: <br /> issued prior to the "bodily injury", 1. Required by the contract, agreement or <br /> "property damage", or "personal injury permit described in Paragraph a.; or <br /> and advertising injury". 2. Available under the applicable Limits of <br /> (2) To any person or organization included Insurance shown in the Declarations. <br /> as an insured by another endorsement This endorsement shall not increase the <br /> issued by us and made part of this applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the <br /> Coverage Part. Declarations <br /> (3) To any lessor of equipment: e. All other insuring agreements, exclusions, <br /> (a) After the equipment lease expires; or and conditions of the policy apply. <br /> (b) If the "bodily injury", "property 2. Additional Insured-Broad Form Vendors <br /> damage", "personal and advertising The following is added to SECTION II - <br /> injury" arises out of sole negligence LIABILITY,C.Who Is An Insured: <br /> of the lessor. <br /> (4) To any: Additional Insured-Broad Form Vendors <br /> a. Any person or organization that is a vendor <br /> (a) Owners or other interests from whom with whom you agreed in a written contract <br /> land has been leased if the11 or written agreement to include as an <br /> occurrence" takes place or the additional insured under this Coverage Part <br /> offense is committed after the lease is an insured, but only with respect to liability <br /> for the land expires; or for "bodily injury" or "property damage" <br /> (b) Managers or lessors of premises if: arising out of "your products" which are <br /> (i) The "occurrence" takes place or distributed or sold in the regular course of <br /> the offense is committed after the vendor's business. <br /> you cease to be a tenant in that b. The insurance afforded to such vendor <br /> premises; or described above: <br /> (ii) The "bodily injury", "property (1) Only applies to the extent permitted by <br /> damage", "personal injury" or law; <br /> "advertising injury" arises out of (2) Will not be broader than the insurance <br /> structural alterations, new which you are required by the contract or <br /> construction or demolition agreement to provide for such vendor; <br /> operations performed by or on <br /> behalf of the manager or lessor. (3) Will not be broader than coverage <br /> 5 To "bodily injury", "property damage" or provided to any other insured; and <br /> ( ) Y , . g . 4 Does not apply if the "bodily injury", <br /> "personal and advertising injury" arising ( ) PP Y Y <br /> out of the rendering of or the failure to "property damage" or "personal and <br /> render any professional services. advertising injury" is otherwise excluded <br /> This exclusion applies even if the claims from coverage under this Coverage Part, <br /> against any insured allege negligence or including any endorsements thereto <br /> other wrongdoing in the supervision, c. With respect to insurance afforded to such <br /> hiring, employment, training or vendors, the following additional exclusions <br /> monitoring of others by that insured, if apply: <br /> the "occurrence" which caused the The insurance afforded to the vendor does <br /> "bodily injury" or "property damage" or not apply to: <br /> the offense which caused the "personal 1 "Bodily injury" or "property dama e" for <br /> and advertising injury" involved the ( ) Y Y . g <br /> rendering of or failure to render any which the vendor Is obligated to pay <br /> professional services by or for you. damages by reasons of the assumption of <br /> liability in a contract or agreement. This <br /> d. With respect to the insurance afforded to exclusion does not apply to liability for <br /> these additional insureds, the following is damages that the insured would have in <br /> added to SECTION II - LIABILITY, D. Liability the absence of the contract or <br /> and Medical Expense Limits of Insurance: agreement; <br /> (2) Any express warranty unauthorized by <br /> you; <br /> 391-1006 08 16 Includes copyrighted materials of Insurance Services Offices, Inc.,with its permission. Page 2 of 6 <br />