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NAME: City of Santa Ana M-13 <br />ADDRESS: 20 Civic Center Plaza <br />P.O. Box 1988 <br />TAX I.D. # 95-6000785 <br />CONTACT: Gabriela P. Lomeli <br />TELEPHONE: 714/565-2692 <br />E-MAIL: <br />and to State at the address indicated in paragraph S. Nothing herein contained shall preclude the giving of any such <br />written notice by personal service. <br />6. EARLY TERMINATION - The state may terminate this lease by giving notice to the Lessor at least thirty (30) days <br />prior to the date when such termination shall become effective. At the option of the State, this lease shall terminate within <br />thirty (30) days immediately following the death, resignation or other removal from office of Senator Tom Umberg as a <br />Member of the Senate. <br />7. JANITORIAL & UTILITIES - Lessor shall furnish to State, during the lease term, at Lessor's sole cost, the <br />following services and utilities: <br />A. Janitorial services, including but not limited to, regular cleaning of office areas and restrooms, toilet supplies <br />and waste disposal. <br />B. All utilities except telephone and data/internet services/cable. <br />8. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW; REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE - During the lease term, Lessor shall maintain <br />the leased premises together with appurtenances, rights, privileges, and easements belonging or appertaining thereto, in <br />good repair and tenantable condition, except in the case of damage arising from negligence of State's agent, invitees or <br />employees. Lessor shall be liable for any damages sustained by State from the failure of the Lessor to maintain the leased <br />premised in good repair and tenantable condition pursuant to this paragraph. <br />9. INSPECTION - Lessor reserves the right to enter and inspect the leased premises, at reasonable times, and to make <br />any necessary repairs to the premises. <br />10. QUIET POSSESSION - Lessor agrees that State, keeping and performing the covenants and agreements herein <br />contained on the part of State to be kept and performed, shall at all times during the existence of this lease peaceably and <br />quietly, have hold and enjoy the leased premises, without suit, trouble, or hindrance from Lessor or any person claiming <br />under Lessor. <br />11. DESTRUCTION - In the event the leased premises or any essential part thereof shall be destroyed by fire or other <br />casualty, this lease, shall, in the case of total destruction of the leased premises, immediately terminate and, in case of <br />partial destruction or damage, shall terminate at the option of State upon giving notice in writing to the Lessor within <br />fifteen (15) days after such fire or casualty, and no rent shall accrue or be payable to the Lessor after such termination. In <br />the event of any such destruction where the State remains in possession of said premises, the rental as herein provided <br />shall be reduced by the same ratio as the floor space State is thus precluded from occupying bears to the total space of the <br />leased premises. <br />12. FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES - This lease is subject to the provisions of the California Fair Employment <br />and Housing Act (Section 12900 et seq., Government Code) and in its performance the Lessor will not discriminate <br />against any employee or applicant for employment because of race religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, <br />physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, sex or age. The Lessor will take affirmative action to ensure that <br />applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, religious creed, <br />color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, sex or age. This action shall include, <br />but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising, <br />layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection of training, including apprenticeship. <br />The Lessor will permit access to his or her records of employment, employment advertisements, application forms, and <br />other pertinent data and records by the Fair Employment and Housing Commission, and any other agency of the State of <br />