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B. INDEMNITY— <br />(1) To the extent that Paragraph 18.A is not applicable, State agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and <br />defend Lessor, its officers, employees, representatives and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, <br />damages, costs and financial loss, including all costs and expenses and fees of litigation or arbitration, that arise directly <br />or indirectly from any acts or omissions related to this Lease performed by the State or its agents, employees, or other <br />persons acting on the State's behalf. This agreement to indemnify, hold harmless and defend shall apply whether such <br />acts or omissions are the product of active negligence, passive negligence, willfulness or acts for which State or its agents, <br />employees, or other persons acting on the State's behalf would be held strictly liable. <br />(2) Lessor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the State, its officers, employees, <br />representatives and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, damages, costs and financial loss, <br />including all costs and expenses and fees of litigation or arbitration, that arise directly or indirectly from any acts or <br />omissions related to this Lease performed by Lessor or its agents, employees, or others persons acting on Lessor's behalf. <br />This agreement to indemnify, hold harmless and defend shall apply whether such acts or omissions are the product of <br />active negligence, passive negligence, willfulness or acts for which Lessor or its agents, employees, or other persons acting <br />on Lessor's behalf would be held strictly liable. <br />18. MISCELLANEOUS — <br />A. AMENDMENT OF LEASE — This lease may be amended by mutual consent of the State and Lessor. An <br />alteration of or variation from the terms of this lease is not valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties to this <br />lease. <br />B. WAIVER —No term or provision of this lase maybe deemed waived and no breach excused, unless that <br />waiver or consent is in writing and signed by an individual authorized to so waive or consent. Any consent by either party <br />to, or waiver of, a breach by the other, whether express or implied, does not constitute a consent to, waiver of, or excuse <br />for, any other breach or subsequent breach, except as may be provided expressly in the waiver or consent. <br />C. FORCE MAJEURE — Except for defaults of subcontractors, Lessor and the State are not responsible for <br />delays or failures to perform resulting from acts beyond the control of the nonperforming party. Those acts include, but <br />are not limited to, acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, acts of war, epidemics, earthquakes, other disasters, governmental <br />statutes or regulations imposed after the fact, and ancillary functions or utilities that are provided by a person or entity not <br />a party to this lease. If a delay or failure in performance by Lessor arises out of a default of its subcontractor, and the <br />default arises out of causes beyond the control of either Lessor or the subcontractor, without the fault or negligence of <br />either of them, Lessor is not liable for damages for that delay or failure, unless the supplies or services to be furnished by <br />the subcontractor were available from other sources in sufficient time to permit Lessor to meet the required performance <br />schedule. <br />D. TIME OF PERFORMANCE — Time is of the essence of this lease for purposes including the performance of <br />services under any schedule established under this lease. <br />E. ENTIRE AGREEMENT — This lease represents the complete and exclusive statement of the agreements <br />between the State and Lessor with respect to the subject matter of this lease, and supersedes all prior agreements, <br />proposals, representations, and other communications, written or oral, between the State and Lessor regarding this subject <br />matter. The State and Lessor agree that there are no oral or written covenants, conditions, or agreements with respect to <br />the subject matter of this lease except as set forth in this lease. <br />F. GOVERNING LAW — This lease, and any amendments to this lease, -shall be governed by and construed in <br />accordance with the laws of the State of California. <br />G. CONFLICT WITH EXISTING LAW — Lessor and the State agree that, if any provision of this lease is found <br />to be illegal or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed stricken and the remainder of this lease shall remain in full <br />force and effect. Either party having knowledge of any such provision promptly shall inform the other of the presumed <br />inapplicability of the provision. If the deletion of the illegal or unenforceable provision would substantially frustrate the <br />4 <br />