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75 <br />Course Descri tions <br />FIN510: Managerial This course reviews the basic concepts of accounting and financial reporting from the <br />Accounting and Finance viewpoint of readers and users of financial and managerial reports rather than the <br />accountants who prepare them. Students will understand the concepts and techniques and <br />use problem -solving methodology to illustrate the theories and tools in investing and <br />financing decision -making. <br />Prerequisite: None <br />5.0 Quarter Credits <br />MGT510: Strategic This course focuses on how firms formulate, implement, and evaluate strategies. Strategic - <br />Management management concepts and techniques are studied. Students use all the knowledge <br />acquired from prior business courses, coupled with new strategic -management techniques <br />learned, to chart the future direction of different organizations. <br />Prerequisite: None <br />6.0 Quarter Credits <br />HRM520: Human This course offers a human resource management (HRM) function and related elements <br />Resource Management and activities to examine the role of the human resource professional as a strategic partner <br />in managing today's organizations. Key functions such as recruitment, selection, <br />development, performance management, appraisal, retention, compensation, and labor <br />relations are examined. Implications of the legal and global environments areexamined and <br />current issues such as employee engagement and employee health and safety are analyzed. <br />Emphasis is placed on the modern day importance of HRM at the corporate level as well as <br />the importance of HRM in small businesses and entrepreneurial firms. <br />Prerequisite: None <br />6.0 Quarter Credits <br />ORG520: Leadership and This course addresses human behavior within organizations. Topics include motivation, <br />Organizational Behavior learning and development, group dynamics, leadership, communication, power and <br />influence, change, diversity, organizational design, and culture. Students will acquire skills <br />necessary to improve organizational relationships and effectiveness. <br />Prerequisite: None <br />6.0 Quarter Credits <br />MKT530:International This course evaluates the challenges associated with marketing in an international <br />Marketing Management environment. Students learn how diverse cultural, social and economic contexts impact <br />consumption practices. Students will utilize that knowledge to develop actionable <br />marketing strategies and practices. <br />Prerequisite: None <br />6.0 Quarter Credits <br />Date on April 4, <br />