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Street improvement projects trigger the need to upgrade <br />facilities, such as curb ramps and sidewalks, to meet current <br />ADA requirements. Alta identifies such needs early in the <br />design development process to develop truly inclusive <br />Complete Streets and minimize unnecessary project costs. <br />ROADWAYIPAVEMENT ENGINEERING <br />Rehabilitation projects often require improvements that <br />impact adjacent facilities such as driveways, walls, and <br />other appurtenances. Our design carefully considers these <br />"conform" requirements, with the goal of minimizing or <br />eliminating the need for temporary construction easements or <br />additional rights -of -way. Our team will be supported by GMU, <br />a geotechnical and pavement engineering firm, to provide <br />alternative pavement recommendations to meet project goals <br />and objectives while staying within City budget. Alta has a <br />clear understanding of alternative pavement methodologies <br />based on cost effective approaches for a 20-year design life, <br />constructability, and factors that are unique to commercial <br />and residential streets. Based on our knowledge and <br />experience, key components for rehabilitation methods that <br />need to be considered include depth of removal sealing and <br />interlayer, rehabilitation approach, pavement recycling, and <br />full reconstruction. <br />The Alta Team, supported by GMU, provided pavement evaluations, repair <br />recommendations, and final rehabilitation plans for El Monte's CIP 016 <br />project. <br />SAFER MULTIMODAL DESIGN <br />Alta can incorporate specific design elements that increase <br />safety, including the narrowed width of street crossings, <br />improved lighting, and effective site lines. We strive to <br />create sustainable capital improvement projects (CIPs) <br />that do not over -burden maintenance departments and <br />minimize operation costs. For example, Alta can prepare <br />and specify signage and striping improvements so that they <br />are timed with routine repaving and maintenance efforts; <br />efficient irrigation systems with weather -based controllers <br />that are automatic and self-adjusting; high efficiency lighting <br />(including solar lighting) to minimize operation costs and <br />fixture replacement cycles; and site amenities such as trash <br />receptacles and bollards that are durable and contribute to a <br />community's overall character. <br />CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION: PLANS, <br />SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES (PSBE) <br />Once a design has been vetted and agreed on, Alta will move <br />into the final design phase, which includes the development <br />of construction documentation and specifications that meet <br />local, state, and federal regulations. Alta works with the City <br />and agencies to format our drawing and specifications to <br />comply with their standards. The final design package is then <br />submitted for a final review to stakeholders as directed by <br />City staff. Final comments are incorporated into the package <br />and a final bid document set is issued to the City for soliciting <br />contractor bids. <br />Our design team has prepared cost estimates ranging from <br />the very conceptual ballpark number based on the general <br />scope of work to detailed construction cost estimates used <br />for construction bidding and capital improvement budgets. <br />We have developed an internal framework for developing the <br />various levels of cost estimating for our design team to follow <br />so that each project, depending on the level of detail needed, <br />has a consistent approach to cost estimating. Our preliminary <br />engineer's estimates will include itemized quantities for <br />elements within the project corridor, including but not limited <br />to curb extensions, traffic signal improvements (including <br />bike signal infrastructure), ADA pedestrian and bicycle <br />improvements, signing/striping improvements, wayfinding, <br />utility impacts, pavement reconstruction, landscape materials, <br />bus amenities, and all removals required to implement the <br />project. <br />The cost estimate will include quantities and unit costs <br />with back-up information as necessary. We not only use <br />concept plans for our engineer's estimate, but often conduct <br />site investigations to verify potential conflicts that may <br />increase cost. Potential conflicts include R/W impacts, <br />utility relocations, and/or the need for excessive grading or <br />retaining walls. Alta maintains a compendium of recent bid <br />results in Southern California that will be used as a basis for <br />5 Proposal for RFP No. 23-030 On -Call Engineering Services ALTA PLANNING + DESIGN, INC. <br />