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Appendix <br />ATTACHMENT 3-2: NON•L.OBBYING CERTIFICATION <br />CYRTI ICATtONS <br />The prospective participmticerulies, by signing and submitting this bld or proposal, to We bcstof his Grher <br />knowledge slid belief, that: <br />1. No ibdnrat appropriated hinds havobcen paid or wilt be paid, by oron behalfoPlite undersigned, to <br />any person For influencing 01, attempting to Influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a <br />Momber of Congress, all officer or employee of Congcesa, er an employee ore Member of Congress <br />in connection whit the awarding of any taderal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making <br />ofany federni loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, <br />renewal, solendmeui, or modification orally federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. <br />1 Ifany thuds other that) federal approprtnted finds have been paid or will be paid to anyperson far <br />influencing or attempting to Innuence any officer or employes of any fedaml agency, a Mel tiller of <br />Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, of all. employee of a Mmnber of Congress in <br />connection with this federal contract, grant loan, loan or cooperative agreement, tile undersigned <br />shall complete and submit a " Disclostuo of Lobbying Activities', <br />This certification is a uanorial representation of faol upon which roflmce, was planed when Ibis transaction was "aide <br />or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for mill or entering into this transaction imposed <br />by Section 1352, TiN 31, U. S, Code. Any person who tails to Mile the required certification shall be snbjeot to a civil <br />penalty ornol less than $10,000 and (rot more than S 100,000 for each such fiaiture. <br />Tine prospective participant also agrees by submitting his or her bid or proposal that ire or she shell require that the <br />language orlhis cerlikalion be included in all lower tier subcontracts,. which exceed $100,000 and that all such sub <br />recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. <br />Finn Alta Planninp +Design, Inc. <br />Signed still Printed Nume:�'= 3 , Steve Frieson <br />Titlo Chief Operations Officer <br />Date March 14, 2023 <br />of <br />Original Proposal For Rfp No. 23-030 On -Call Engineering Services ALTA PLANNING + DESIGN, INC. <br />