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ETPL POLICY AND PROCEDURES <br />ATTACHMENT 2 <br />b. Entities that carry out a training program registered under the National <br />Apprenticeship Act. <br />c. Other public or private training providers, which may include the following: <br />i. Nonprofit Community Based Organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the <br />Federal Internal Revenue Code. <br />ii. Joint labor-management organizations. <br />iii. Eligible training providers of Adult education and literacy activities under <br />Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title II. <br />ETPL Training Program Types β€” In order for a training provider to receive WIOA funds through <br />an Individual Training Account (ITA), its training program(s) must be listed on the ETPL. These <br />programs must provide training services, including, but not limited to the following (unless <br />otherwise noted): <br />1. Occupational skills training, including training for non-traditional employment. <br />2. Programs that combine workplace training with related instruction, which may include <br />cooperative education programs. <br />3. Training programs operated by the private sector. <br />4. Skill upgrading and retraining. <br />5. Entrepreneurial training. <br />6. Adult Education or Literacy Activities in combination with training services listed above. <br />Apprenticeship and Pre -apprenticeship Skills Training (20 CFR 680.330). <br />in -demand Industry Sector or Occupation β€”The determination of whether an industry sector or <br />occupation is in -demand shall be made by the California Workforce Development Board <br />(CWDB) or Local Board, as appropriate, using state and regional business and labor market <br />projections. An industry sector is considered in demand if it has a substantial current, or <br />potential impact (including through jobs that lead to economic self-sufficiency and <br />opportunities for advancement) on the state, regional, or local economy, and that contributes <br />to the growth or stability of other supporting businesses, or the growth of other industry <br />sectors. An occupation that currently has, or is projected to have, a number of positions in an <br />industry sector so as to have a significant impact on the state, regional, or local economy, as <br />appropriate. <br />Occupational Skills Training β€” An organized program of study that provides specific vocational <br />skills that lead to proficiency in performing actual tasks and technical functions required by <br />certain occupational fields at entry, intermediate, or advanced levels. <br />Postsecondary Credential β€” An industry -recognized certificate or certification, a certificate of <br />completion of an apprenticeship, a license recognized by the state or federal government, or an <br />Associate or Bachelor's degree. A recognized postsecondary credential is based on the <br />attainment of measurable technical or industry/occupational skills necessary to obtain <br />employment or advance within an industry/occupation. These technical or <br />industry/occupational skills are generally based on standards developed or endorsed by <br />WSD21-03 Page 2 of 5 <br />