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ETPL POLICY AND PROCEDURES <br />ATTACHMENT 2 <br />3. Hands-on, meaningful learning activities that are connected to education and training <br />activities, such as exploring career options, and understanding how the skills acquired <br />through coursework can be applied toward a future career. <br />4. A partnership with one or more apprenticeship programs that assists in placing <br />individuals who complete the pre -apprenticeship program in an apprenticeship <br />program. <br />5. Opportunities to attain at least one industry -recognized credential through an <br />apprenticeship program. <br />Secondary School Diploma or Recognized Equivalent— CA -recognized diplomas issued by a CA <br />public school, as well as by private schools accredited by the Western Association of Schools <br />and Colleges (WASC) or equivalent regional accreditation body. The requirements of a <br />secondary school diploma are outlined by the California Department of Education (CDE) and <br />listed on CDE's High School Graduation Requirements webpage. <br />A secondary school equivalency certification indicates that a student has completed the <br />requirements for a high school education. CA has approved the use of three high school <br />equivalency tests (HSET): GED®, HiSET®, and TASC'". These tests are for students 18 years old <br />and older, and 17 years old (in some instances). Those who pass the CA High School Proficiency <br />Examination are awarded a Certificate of Proficiency by the CA State Board of Education. While <br />some HSET preparation programs may issue "diplomas or certificates" of completion these <br />documents are not genuine high school equivalency credentials. There are various free HSET <br />preparation programs available for free through the CA Adult Education Provider Directory. <br />Third -Party Subcontracting — a program where course instruction and curriculum is not <br />developed by the provider, and instead is created and delivered by a third party. Per <br />Attachment 1 of the directive, the provider accepting tuition and related instruction fees (e.g. <br />ITA) must be the provider listed on the ETPL. <br />Third -party subcontractors cannot accept WIOA funding without meeting ETPL eligibility <br />requirements, and being placed on the ETPL. Per the California Education Code Section 94886, <br />private postsecondary institutions that receive "institutional charges" such as tuition are <br />required to be approved or deemed exempt by the BPPE.1 <br />1 EDC 94886 - Except as exempted in Article 4 (commencing with Section 94874) or in <br />compliance with the transition provisions in Article 2 (commencing with Section 94802), a <br />person shall not open, conduct, or do business as a private postsecondary educational <br />institution in this state without obtaining an approval to operate under this chapter. <br />EDC 94858 - "Private postsecondary educational institution" means a private entity with a <br />physical presence in this state that offers postsecondary education to the public for an <br />institutional charge. <br />WSD21-03 Page 4 of 5 <br />