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occurred in 2 years? If so, what is the process for the provider to get back on the ETPL? Can a <br />customer request the provider? <br />Resolution —Yes, per the Directive providers must be removed from the ETPL if they do not <br />have at least one enrollment in the previous two program years (PYs). If they would like to get <br />back on the ETPL, they must wait 6 months before reapplying to the ETPL and meet the <br />continued eligibility requirements in the Directive. <br />Comment #37 — What is the process for schools that are already listed on the ETPL? Do we <br />review all new requirements at their annual mark or do they need to be reviewed at the <br />effective date of this Directive? <br />Resolution — Per the ETPL Directive, continued eligibility applies to all training providers listed <br />on the CA ETPL at any time under the WIOA or Workforce Investment Act (WIA), and whose <br />initial eligibility has expired. A training provider's initial and continued eligibility is valid for 365 <br />days after the provider is approved for the ETPL. Providers and programs already on the list <br />can be reviewed using the policies outlined in this directive the next time they are reviewed <br />for continued eligibility. <br />Comment #38 — Providers on the ETPL for two full complete PYs (July 1—June 30) must have <br />at least one Title I, subtitle B enrollment during the previous two PYs. Does this refer to one <br />enrollment in the entire provider or one enrollment in the individual program? <br />Resolution — One enrollment for the entire provider. This requirement is not applied to the <br />program. <br />Comment #39 — What is the reapplication process for programs trying to remain on the ETPL? <br />Resolution — Please see the ETPL Guide Card (Attachment 5) for steps on how programs are <br />submitted for continued eligibility review. <br />Comment #40 —Since continued eligibility can be reviewed at any time during the year <br />(calendar or fiscal), which timeframe is used to measure performance? <br />Resolution —The performance timeframe is for the previous complete PY, July 15Y to June 30th. <br />Comment #41— Will Local Boards have the discretion when they conduct continued eligibility? <br />Resolution —After the program becomes initially eligible, they must be reviewed again before <br />the end of the first year (i.e. a program is added to the ETPL on 10/22/2020, the Local Board <br />must review the program again prior to 10/22/2021). Continued eligibility for providers and <br />programs on the CA ETPL must be reviewed every year. For the local ETPL, Local Boards can do <br />continued eligibility every two years. Local Boards can determine the time frame in which they <br />review and complete continued eligibility as long as it is done within the required timeframes. <br />Comment #42 — For programs that run over the one-year period, how should the Local Board <br />conduct continued eligibility? <br />Page 9 of 25 <br />