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member of the general public would pay when enrolling in the program without assistance <br />from WIOA. This information should be available in the provider's brochure or website. <br />Credentials <br />Comment #48 —This DOL Credential Tool does not include a category for private <br />postsecondary providers. <br />Resolution —Those providers would fit under the "Institutions for Higher Education" category. <br />Comment #49 —The DOL Credential Tool does not explain the skills that either meet/do not <br />meet the definition of a credential. It also does not explain what "in -demand" means. <br />Resolution —The DOL Credential Tool is meant to accompany federal ETPL guidance and <br />illustrate how the requirements are met, rather than explain what those requirements are. <br />Comment #50 — If a Local Board, as part of the local initial eligibility requirements, completes <br />an onsite visit with an industry expert who verifies the program meets industry standards, <br />evidenced by the review of the curriculum, equipment, testing, etc., would this be considered <br />as meeting the industry credentials? <br />Resolution —These requirements are in addition to the credential/employment for a specific <br />occupation requirement, not specific criteria for the requirements. Credentials that are <br />"industry -recognized" must meet the definition as described in WSD19-03. <br />Comment #51—There are many programs that do not meet the narrow definition of Post - <br />Secondary Credential outlined in the Definitions attachment that provide valuable and <br />demonstrated effectiveness to individuals with barriers to employment (such as programs for <br />Microsoft Office applications and other office and administrative oriented programs). We also <br />believe these should meet the definition of training under Skills Upgrade and Retraining. <br />Resolution — Per Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 25-19, the programs described here <br />do not meet the definition of a post -secondary credential, since the skills that are attained fall <br />into the general skills/work readiness category. WIOA funds can be used to provide training to <br />general skills such as work readiness, hygiene or safety, but credentials can only be counted <br />toward recognized postsecondary credential attainment if they prepare a person with the <br />competencies required to perform a specific occupation. Local Boards can still send <br />participants to Microsoft courses; however, it is considered a Short-term Prevocational Service <br />and CaIJOBS activity code 215 should be used. <br />Comment #52 — Several comments were received regarding the desire to exclude Skills <br />Upgrading and Retraining, Entrepreneurial Training, and Adult Education and Literacy Activities <br />from the list of services required to be on the ETPL. <br />Resolution — Per TEGL 8-19, Attachment 1, these training services are required to be on the <br />ETPL if using an ITA. <br />Page 11 of 25 <br />