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Comment #63— Where do Local Boards find the EEO monitoring tools? <br />Resolution — Please refer to your Local Board's EEO Officer, as defined in WSD17-01. <br />Comment #64 — How do Local Boards conduct EEO monitoring for providers with multiple <br />locations? <br />Resolution — It is recommended that Local Boards provide the provider one of the EEO <br />monitoring tools (depending on size of provider), and have them complete it and add it to <br />their CaIJOBS Provider Profile. For additional assistance, please refer to your Local Board's EEO <br />Officer and reference WSD17-01. <br />Comment #65 —Are on -site visits (which would be needed to determine that EEO and other <br />items are posted) required before nominating a training vendor for inclusion on the CA ETPL? <br />Resolution — No, it is recommended that Local Boards provide one of the EEO monitoring tools <br />(depending on size of provider), and have them complete it and add it to their CaIJOBS <br />Provider Profile. For additional assistance, please refer to your Local Board's EEO Officer and <br />reference WSD17-01. <br />Comment #66 — Do the EEO requirements in the Draft Directive apply to all providers? <br />Resolution —This applies to all training providers, except apprenticeship programs. <br />ETP Report <br />Comment #67— What if BPPE performance data is not collected for providers who serve rural <br />areas? Won't this negatively affect their placement rate? <br />Resolution — Performance requirements for providers under the new ETPL Directive do not <br />require BPPE placement data. Placement data is directly entered into CaIJOBS. <br />Comment #68— Public education either does not collect and track students past graduation or <br />claim they aren't allowed to release that information due to confidentiality requirements. If a <br />public postsecondary CC, CSU or UC does not provide % who successfully completed a <br />program, nor % who are employed within 6 months for initial eligibility, their program must <br />still be listed on the CA ETPL because they are not required to meet a specific performance <br />threshold, correct? <br />Resolution — For Initial Eligibility, public postsecondary providers are still required to submit <br />performance data. They are not required to meet a threshold, <br />Comment #69 — Would a waiver be available if the individual was sick or had a valid reason not <br />to take the first test? Some state tests have very long periods between test dates. <br />Resolution — No, a waiver is not available for a missed test. <br />Comment #70 — How is the provider supposed to know when one of their students has exited <br />from WIOA? Or does this mean the student exited from the program, either by successfully <br />completing or dropping out? <br />Resolution — Exiting the program refers to the training program rather than WIOA. <br />Page 14 of 25 <br />