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Pre -Commitment of Affordable Housing Funds for Illumination Foundation <br />July 18, 2023 <br />Page 2 <br />eligible proposal from Illumination Foundation prior to the deadline of November 22, <br />2022 at 4:00 p.m. <br />A Review Panel that consisted of the Homeless Services Division Manager, the <br />Housing Division Manager, a Housing Programs Analyst, the Residential Construction <br />Specialist, and a Senior Planner ensured compliance with the RFP requirements, used <br />the proposal Scoring and Selection Criteria from the RFP, and reviewed the proposed <br />project design for appropriateness for the proposed target population of TAY, <br />compatibility with surrounding uses, cost effectiveness of construction, and <br />appropriateness of the design and construction for low maintenance and long-term <br />durability. <br />The Review Panel recommends the following award for this project: <br />Developer: Illumination Foundation <br />Project Name: Intergenerational Housing Project <br />Award Recommendation: <br />HHAP - Homeless Housing, Assistance and <br />$2,021,319 <br />Prevention Program Round 1, 2 and 3 Funds <br />Project -Based Vouchers <br />Eight (8) <br />The pre -commitment letter for Illumination Foundation provides the enforceable funding <br />commitment from the City for $2,021,319 in HHAP funds and eight (8) project -based <br />vouchers for the development of the Intergenerational Housing Project located at 918 N. <br />Bewley Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703 (APN 198-231-10) (Exhibit 1) (the "Project"). <br />Among various other conditions in the pre -commitment letter, one of the primary <br />conditions is that the developer must provide verification that it has secured all of its <br />remaining financing for the development of the project. This should be in the form of <br />other enforceable funding commitments in the project's capital stack, which may include <br />fundraising amounts currently committed by the developer, a commitment of affordable <br />housing funds from the County of Orange, Orange County Housing Finance Trust, <br />CalOptima Health, or any other funding source needed in the project's capital stack to <br />develop the Project and close on the financing. The pre -commitment letter is also <br />conditional on the developer securing any and all permits and discretionary approvals <br />that may be required for the project by the City. The pre -commitment does not obligate <br />the City or any department thereof to approve any application or request for or take any <br />other action in connection with any planning approval, permit, or other action necessary <br />for the construction of the project. This will need to be completed before staff will return <br />to the City Council for consideration of the Grant Agreement for this project. <br />In compliance with the City's Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures, <br />Keyser Marston Associates (KMA) conducted a preliminary financial gap analysis to <br />confirm the project's underwriting, the financial gap, and other programmatic <br />requirements related to the funding sources (Exhibit 2). KMA reviewed the developer's <br />City Council 14 — 2 7/18/2023 <br />