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Pre -Commitment of Affordable Housing Funds for Illumination Foundation <br />July 18, 2023 <br />Page 7 <br />stakeholders and community members. Forays into the surrounding community will be <br />made to canvass residents, neighborhood associations, community groups, and nearby <br />businesses to provide information and allay concerns that stakeholders may have. Once <br />the surrounding neighborhood has been canvassed, Illumination Foundation will <br />facilitate town hall meetings, including both virtual and in -person. This will ensure <br />accessibility and ample opportunities for stakeholder voices to be heard. Letters of <br />support from stakeholders will be gathered as needed. Opportunities for focus groups <br />and to answer questionnaires will be made available to individuals with lived experience <br />of homelessness to provide their insight and inform the project. Frontline staff with <br />experience working directly with clients will be afforded opportunities to provide <br />feedback and engage in the program design and Project development process, as <br />Illumination Foundation recognizes the critical importance of their perspective. <br />Throughout all stages of this Project, Illumination Foundation will seek input and <br />establish collaborative efforts with agencies and nonprofits operating in and near the <br />project, such as Mercy House Living Centers, Fresh Beginnings, and CityNet, among <br />others. Along with development partners, Illumination Foundation will seek to allay any <br />community concerns and incorporate critical feedback into the design and <br />implementation that augments and strengthens their ability to serve the needs of the <br />community. Through a partnership with Head Start, an affordable preschool resource <br />will be available to the surrounding community. <br />Illumination Foundation will actively consider barriers that stakeholders may experience <br />to attending scheduled town halls and other community engagement efforts, providing <br />accommodations such as coordination of childcare, coordinating transportation, <br />providing meeting locations that are convenient for stakeholders, and providing video or <br />phone conferencing. To best reach all stakeholders, informative flyers will be produced <br />in both English and Spanish, and additional linguistic accommodations will be made as <br />needed. By utilizing direct outreach, social media, and newsletter marketing strategies, <br />leveraging existing relationships and creating new ones, actively involving stakeholders <br />in discussions, and implementing a Good Neighbor Plan, Illumination Foundation will <br />ensure the level of community engagement necessary for a successful Project that <br />benefits the target population and integrates seamlessly into the broader community. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />Pursuant to the Adaptive Reuse Ordinance (Ordinance No. NS-2874), the proposed <br />project is found and determined to be consistent with the General Plan of the City of <br />Santa Ana. Therefore, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the <br />recommended action is exempt from further review under Section 15194 (Affordable <br />Housing Exemption), as this project meets all the required criteria as a 100-percent <br />affordable/permanent supportive housing development. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />The various agreements, including the grant agreement, is estimated to be finalized for <br />City Council approval in FY 2023-24. Upon future approval of the grant agreement, <br />funds will be budgeted and available as shown below. The Homeless, Housing <br />Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) — Round 1 funds will be part of the proposed <br />City Council 14 — 7 7/18/2023 <br />