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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Page 15 <br />The rent standards for the Project must comply with the strictest of the standards <br />imposed by the funding sources contributed to the Project, as applicable. The <br />HHAP rent standards are set forth as follows: <br />o The maximum affordable rent for the eight (8) TAY units will be set at the <br />30% AMI rent limit as published by the California Department of Housing <br />and Community Development ("HCD") for the Multifamily Tax Subsidy <br />Programs ("MTSP"); and <br />o For the three -bedroom shared housing units, the total rent payments must <br />not exceed the 50% MTSP AMI rent limit for a three -bedroom unit. <br />Additionally, each tenant's rent must not exceed the lesser of: <br />■ One-third (1/3) of the 50% MTSP AMI rent for a three -bedroom unit; <br />or <br />■ Thirty percent (30%) of the household's actual income (inclusive of <br />Supplemental Security Income / State Supplementary Payment <br />payments. <br />• Illumination Foundation will provide/pay for case management / social service <br />expenses outside of the Project's operating budget. <br />• Illumination Foundation will cover any operating losses during the City's 55-year <br />affordability period. <br />• Given that Illumination Foundation is proposing to provide a loan to the Project <br />from one of its affiliated entities, Illumination Foundation will incorporate a standstill <br />provision that prohibits Illumination Foundation from foreclosing on the Project <br />• All provided funding and Project requirements shall conform to the City's most <br />recently adopted Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures, unless <br />alternative requirements are expressly provided in the executed Grant Agreement <br />for the City Assistance or any other documents related to the development of the <br />Project. <br />• Approval of all required entitlements and discretionary actions to allow the adaptive <br />reuse and construction (as applicable) of an eleven (11) unit affordable housing <br />complex, with ten (10) units restricted for homeless households, to be located at <br />918 N. Bewley Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703 (APN 198-231-10). <br />• The City's obligation to provide the City Assistance is and shall remain subject to <br />all covenants, conditions, and restrictions set forth in the Grant Agreement, and in <br />particular the City's analysis of the available funding sources and development and <br />operating costs of the Project and the overall economic feasibility of the Project. <br />City Council 14 — 13 7/18/2023 <br />