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Hall, Jennifer <br />From: YIMBY Action <> <br />Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 4:03 PM <br />To: eCornment <br />Subject: Tell Congress to support affordable, accessible housing <br />The United States' efforts to provide accessible and affordable hoirnes have fallen <br />short. Seniors and people with disabilities in particular face significant challenges <br />in finding affordable housing options, as most homes do not have <br />accommodations that meet their accessibility needs. <br />The VITAL Act will promote the development of affordable and accessible <br />housing while increasing the production of affordable housing overall at the sairne <br />"M <br />If passed, the VITAL Act will enable individuals with disabilities and senioir <br />citizens to live in homes that acre safe, affoirdable, and inclusive. Tell <br />Congress that housing for everyone, regardless of age or disability status can't <br />wait, <br />1 <br />