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Scope of Services and Schedule <br />Industry Standards, Training, and PPE <br />WSP has a stringent QA program. To verify that the QA program is conducted uniformly, WSP sampling <br />projects, such as the monitoring project conducted for the City at Morrison Park, have Sampling and <br />Analysis Plans (SAP) and Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP). Our staff is trained on sample <br />collection and handling requirements, clean sampling techniques, and sample documentation procedures <br />Our staff wear clean, powder -fee nitrile gloves for sample collection and follow the instructions in the <br />SAP/QAPP to collect defensible data and achieve the goals of the sampling project. <br />Certified Laboratory <br />Eurofins Environment Testing America (Eurofins) of Tustin will be used as WSP's contracted analytical <br />laboratory. Eurofins is a global leader in environmental testing and is located close to the City. <br />Pollutant Load Analysis/Deliverables for Water Quality Samples <br />City monitoring projects may be completed for various reasons. WSP has completed monitoring projects at <br />industrial/commercial for enforcement purposes. In these cases, staff quickly respond to incidents and <br />samples are collected based on anticipated pollutants. Deliverables may include a summary of the <br />sampling program, chain -of -custody, and laboratory report. These files may be used for future enforcement <br />cases. In most cases, City monitoring projects are completed for BMP improvement projects to document <br />pollutant load reductions. These projects have an SAP that identifies the goals of the monitoring program <br />and defines how the monitoring data will be used. WSP can assist with all aspects of these projects, <br />including calculating the pollutant load reductions, preparing the reports, and documenting BMP <br />performance or any grant requirements. <br />6.3.5 Future Municipal NPDES Permit(s) Support <br />Future NPDES Permit Review <br />Our staff routinely provides comments on future regulations on behalf of our clients, such as the MS4 <br />permit, CGP, and IGP. Our staff recently provided comments on the Staff Working Proposal to the County. <br />Comments were compiled and submitted to the Tri County Group for the Regional Phase I MS4 Permit. <br />Our staff can assist the City with providing similar review or advise the City on potential permit <br />interpretations and impacts to the City based on our permit reviews. <br />Program Transition and Modifications <br />We have assisted cities with program development at the infancy of many of the MS4 permit programs. <br />Our staff is currently working on program development for the trash provisions program as an example. <br />Because of our extensive 19-year history helping the City, we are uniquely qualified to assist the City with <br />any program transitions and can quickly prepare training programs or implement program modifications to <br />meet the new MS4 permit requirements. <br />Plan Modification including LIP and DAMP <br />WSP has extensive experience updating City LIPS for several Orange County cities. Our in-depth <br />knowledge of the County's MS4 permit, along with our understanding of the City's departmental structure <br />and responsibilities provide the experience and insight necessary to perform an effective and efficient <br />update of the City's LIP. WSP also started the update process for several sections of the LIP, but <br />reallocated efforts to assist the City with other compliance tasks, including the trash provisions, TMDL <br />support, and project management. WSP can complete the LIP update task upon City approval. <br />6.3.6 TMDL Support <br />WSP is routinely involved with several stakeholder -led groups to further the science of TMDL development <br />in southern California receiving waters. We have worked on TMDLs for a variety of pollutants, including <br />metals, bacteria, nutrients, salts, sediment, dissolved oxygen, pesticides, and pathogens. Our experience <br />[%y Cbt4j lj&anta Ana I Industrial/Commercial Inspectiol3rLd 7TES Program Support ServiV11/2023 Page 129 <br />RFP No. 23-028 <br />