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your review and feedback. We will create a memorandum detailing the analysis performed, comparable entities <br />identified, performance metrics considered and how the City compares, and recommendations for the City to <br />consider. The draft memorandum will be distributed to City staff for review and comment. Upon receiving comments <br />from City staff, we will adjust our analysis and/or narrative as required and distribute the final memorandum. <br />Once all of the analyses are complete, we will provide the City with detailed schedules containing all of the <br />assumptions and detailed projections used in developing the analysis. The detailed schedules will also be included in <br />the draft report then be distributed to the City for thorough review and comment. <br />Implementation/Prop 218 Support <br />The rates that SCS will calculate will support the requirements of Prop 218. Additionally, we will assist the City in <br />preparing a notice that will need to be mailed to all property owners/customers at least 45 days prior to a public <br />meeting. At the meeting, residents can protest. If there is no majority protest, fees can be adopted. <br />Based on the cost to provide services and rate structure analysis described above, the rates SCS will develop <br />with the City will meet all of the Proposition 218 requirements. <br />Public Meetings <br />In addition to the written report, we will develop a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the findings. Then we will <br />also attend a meeting with the City Council and/or the public where we will present the results of our analysis. As <br />earlier discussed, it is important to have early interaction with key stakeholders, but this is the first time many of the <br />residents will hear the details of the rate study performed. It is important to convey that the City is acting in the best <br />interests of the residents. We will communicate: <br />• The responsibility of a sanitation utility to provide an essential service and protect the environment <br />• The key issues you are facing and the associated costs driving the need for additional revenue <br />• The basis for calculating rates, including the equitable distribution of costs and desire to encourage <br />diversion <br />• Sensitivity in customer demand or satisfaction as a response to rate changes <br />• Miscellaneous or one-time services that could be charged fees and not included in the base rates <br />What Makes Our Project Approach Different? <br />Project success couples experience in political decision making with input from you and your staff, and the <br />technical ability to plan for your future success. We understand that an effective financial plan does not look to <br />simply "balance the budget". Rather, it should be a long-term forecast that helps guide future decision -making, <br />identifying trends and vulnerabilities that affect long-term financial sustainability. An effective plan should account <br />for known costs (capital, operations, etc.), while also testing the sensitivity of the outcomes to changes in variables. <br />Our strategic approach combined with effective communication demonstrates to you, your <br />Council, and your residents how today's decisions will affect future outcomes. <br />Sanitation Cost of Service Study Project Schedule <br />Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <br />Project Initiation <br />Revenue Sufficiency Anal) <br />Cost to Provide Services <br />Rate Benchmarking <br />Rate Structure Analysis <br />Ordinance/Policy Review <br />Presentation of Results <br />I y Council 14 — 73 8/1/2023 <br />