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Public Works Agency <br /> <br />Item # 15 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Staff Report <br />August 1, 2023 <br />TOPIC: Santa Ana Zoo Educational Hub Building Project <br />AGENDA TITLE <br />Approve an Agreement with LOC Architects for Professional Architectural Services for <br />the Santa Ana Zoo Educational Hub and an Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 <br />Capital Improvement Project 23-2601 (Non -General Fund) <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with LOC Architects for <br />professional architectural services for the Santa Ana Zoo Educational Hub <br />Building project in the amount of $350,120 with a contingency amount of <br />$35,000, for a total amount not to exceed $385,120, for a three-year term <br />beginning August 1, 2023 and expiring July 31, 2026, with an option for one two- <br />year extension, subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City <br />Manager and the City Attorney. <br />2. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Capital Improvement <br />Program to include $385,120 of funding for the Santa Ana Zoo Educational Hub <br />project (Project No. 23-2601). <br />DISCUSSION <br />The Santa Ana Zoo (Zoo) is owned by the City of Santa Ana and is operated by the <br />Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency (PRCSA) and a non-profit support <br />organization, Friends of the Santa Ana Zoo (FOSAZ). In addition to being a public <br />zoological garden dedicated to wildlife, environmental education, and the conservation <br />of endangered species, the Santa Ana Zoo is a recreational facility and an important <br />civic asset that attracts approximately 250,000 visitors annually. <br />On May 3, 2022, Council adopted a resolution approving the acceptance of grant funds <br />from the State of California Natural Resources Agency for the Santa Ana Zoo <br />Educational Hub Building Project and authorized the City Manager to execute grant <br />documents. The new educational hub building will include a multipurpose space, <br />classrooms, and serve as a hub for community volunteers and education staff. The <br />classrooms are flexible in design to maximize their use potential throughout the day and <br />year. This facility will serve as a reception area for schoolchildren visiting the zoo and is <br />directly adjacent to the existing outdoor amphitheater. The sides of the building will <br />City Council 15 — 1 8/1/2023 <br />