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Appendix <br />ATTACHMENT I <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS <br />FOR <br />PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE SANTA ANA <br />ZOO COMMUNITY HUB BUILDING "THE HIVE" <br />RFP NO.23-033 <br />INTRODUC TIONBACKGROUND <br />Background: <br />The Santa Ana Zoo is located along the eastern edge of Santa Ana, California, bordered by First <br />Street (north), Interstate 5 freeway (east), Chestnut Avenue (south) and Elk Lane (west). The Zoo <br />is owned by the City of Santa Ana, operated by the Parks, Recreation and Community Services <br />Agency. The Friends of Santa Ana Zoo (FOSAZ), the zoo's non-profit support organization, raises <br />funds for capital improvements and deferred maintenance projects and also manages the gift shop, <br />ride concessions, rental areas, special events and membership program. Situated within the 20- <br />acre Prentice Park, the Santa Ana Zoo has a live collection of over 300 animals, primarily <br />representing the "NeotropicaI" biogeographic region, which includes the southern tip of Mexico, <br />Central and South America, and is known for its extensive primate collection. In addition to being <br />a public zoological garden dedicated to wildlife, environmental education and the conservation of <br />endangered species, the Santa Ana Zoo is a recreational facility and important civic asset which <br />attracts approximately 250,000 visitors annually from throughout Orange County. The following <br />link includes the full master plan and project background information: <br /> <br />ter%20Plan.pdf?dl-0 <br />Zoo History: <br />The Santa Ana Zoo opened to the public in 1952. The grant deed for the original 12 acres stipulated <br />that the zoo must maintain at least 50 monkeys at all times or the land could revert back to donor's <br />heirs. The Zoo's most recently added exhibits and attractions include the Crean Family Farm <br />(2004), Endangered Species Carrousel (2008), <br />the Ocelot Habitat and Education Center (2015, <br />Description of Work: <br />"Tierra de las Pampas" grasslands exhibit (2010), <br />The project goal consists of the design and construction of a new building to accommodate a flex <br />space, classroom(s), and hub for community volunteers and education staff. The classrooms are <br />flexible in design and layout to maximize their use potential throughout the day and year. The <br />facility would use environmentally sustainable materials in its construction (LEED status <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 23-033 <br />Page Al-1 <br />City Council 15 — 15 8/1/2023 <br />