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Housing Division Quarterly Report <br />August 1, 2023 <br />Page 5 <br />Rent Stabilization Program <br />Effective November 18, 2022, the City Council adopted an amended Rent Stabilization <br />and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance (Ordinance) that included a number of changes. <br />The amended Ordinance expands the administration and enforcement of renter <br />protections for Santa Ana residents by establishing a rental housing board and a rental <br />registry program. The amended Ordinance also includes additional petitions for tenants <br />and landlords, voluntary mediation services, and other enhancements. <br />The City has prepared user-friendly information on the Ordinance for both tenants and <br />landlords on the City's webpage, including the full Ordinance and answers to Frequently <br />Asked Questions in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Tenants and landlords are <br />encouraged to to receive the latest updates. <br />Program Updates: <br />The City of Santa Ana continues to work with RSG, Inc. on the long-term <br />implementation of the Ordinance. This project has met many critical milestones over the <br />course of Quarter 4 (Q4). <br />Staff, in partnership with Revenue and Cost Specialists (RCS), conducted a <br />comprehensive fee study to determine appropriate program fees to recover all program <br />costs associated with services provided under the Ordinance. The Rental Registry Fee <br />was approved in the FY 2023-24 Miscellaneous Fee Schedule. Additionally, the City <br />Council approved the City's new Rent Stabilization Division in the City's FY 2023-24 <br />Annual Budget to administer the Ordinance. <br />Staff, in partnership with 3Di, Inc., worked to implement a rental registry portal that <br />supports the Ordinance. In Q4, staff worked with the consultant on a weekly basis to <br />configure the portal where property owners will register rental units, update rental unit <br />information, update tenancy information, submit notices, and pay the City's rental <br />registry fee. Staff also worked with the Finance and Management Services Agency to <br />ensure the City will be able to collect, allocate, process, and utilize rental registry fees <br />for the administration of the Ordinance. <br />Staff conducted targeted outreach in partnership with Santa Ana Unified School District, <br />neighborhood associations, non -profits who work with low-income residents, and at <br />local laundromats in an effort to strengthen the way we engage with our community. <br />In addition to the progress made towards the long-term implementation of the Rent <br />Stabilization Program, staff has continued to serve the community in the following ways <br />throughout Q4: <br />• Reviewed and made continuous improvements to the layout, content, and forms <br />on the Renter Protections webpage for easier access and understanding. <br />• Published new information on the City's webpage, including the Notice of <br />Allowable Rent Increase, Fair Return Petition, Capital Improvement Petition, and <br />Tenant Petition to ensure compliance with the City's Ordinance. <br />City Council 9-5 8/1/2023 <br />