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EXHIBIT 2 <br />Mar 19 Award of VASH Vouchers & City Loan by City Council (89 Vouchers and <br />$1,687,047) <br />Mar 19 Start environmental approval process with City of Santa Ana (CEQA/NEPA) <br />Mar 19 Applied for Home Depot Grant ($500,000) <br />Jun 19 CEQA / NEPA Approval — City of Santa Ana <br />Jun 19 AHP Award Date ($890,000) <br />Aug 20 Applied to HCD for MHP 1st Round Funding ($13,316,412) <br />Dec 19 Notified project did not receive 1st Round MHP funding <br />Feb 20 Applied to HCD for VHHP Funding ($10,000,000) <br />Mar 20 Applied to HCD for MHP 2nd round funding <br />Mar 20 Applied to OCHFT Financing ($2,292,920) <br />May 20 Notified project did not receive 2st Round MHP funding <br />May 20 Received OCHFT funding award ($2,292,920) <br />Jun 20 Received VHHP funding award ($10,000,000) <br />Jun 20 Submitted Plans for Ministerial Design Approval <br />Jun 20 Applied for CDLAC tax-exempt bond allocation ($24,000,000) <br />Jul 20 Applied for TCAC 4% competitive state and federal tax credits ($9,896,911) <br />Sept 20 CDLAC Allocation <br />Nov 20 Ministerial Design Approval (upon completion of community meeting on <br />11 /4/2020) <br />Oct 20 TCAC Allocation <br />Oct 20 Start construction documents for rehab <br />Nov 20 <br />Submit first plan check <br />Dec 20 <br />Awarded Home Depot Grant <br />Jan 21 <br />Receipt of first plan check comments <br />Jan 21 <br />Submit second plan check <br />Feb 21 <br />Receipt of second plan check comments <br />Feb 21 <br />Submit third plan check <br />Mar 21 <br />Received permit ready <br />Apr 21 <br />Construction loan closing <br />Apr 21 <br />Pull Permits and start construction <br />May 21 <br />Site Demolition <br />Dec 21 <br />Work on mock up units begins <br />Jun 22 <br />Structural retrofitting and repairs <br />July 22 <br />Roofing and Framing <br />Aug 22 <br />Stock drywall & Inspections <br />Aug 22 <br />Gutter, Awning and Painting & installation of stairs <br />Oct 22 <br />OCHFT Loan finalized <br />Apr 23 <br />Interior refurbishments & finishes <br />Apr 23 <br />Complete Flooring <br />Mar 23 <br />Plan resubmittal/Plan Coordination <br />Apr 23 <br />Grading/Paving for parking lot and site work <br />May 23 <br />Roof/Drywall <br />Jul 23 <br />Interiors/Fixtures & Appliances/ <br />Aug 23 <br />Elevator <br />Sep 23 <br />Lease up <br />Par 9 <br />City Council 9 — 14 8/1/2023 <br />