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City evaluation criteria set forth above. A final score will be calculated for each <br />submitted proposal and used to rank the proposers. <br />After proposal ranking, cost negotiations may begin with the most qualified consultant(s) <br />and only their cost proposals will be opened. Should negotiations fail or result in a price <br />that the City does not consider fair and reasonable, negotiations will be formally <br />terminated and the City will then undertake negotiations with the next most qualified <br />consultant(s). <br />Project Funding: <br />The primary funding source for these services is the City's NPDES Program budget. <br />Special project funding sources may vary and shall comply with the funding agency's <br />requirements. Special conditions may apply. Refer to Attachment 1 (Scope of Work) in <br />the Appendix of this RFP. <br />Prevailing Wages: <br />In accordance with the California State Labor Code, prevailing wage rates apply. Copies <br />of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file with the Public Works Agency and <br />shall be made available to any interested party on request. Contractors shall submit <br />certified payroll to the City for work performed in a timely manner. The City may <br />withhold invoice payment until certified payroll is received. <br />Term of Contract Agreement: <br />The City desires to enter into an Agreement with the highest ranking Consultant for an <br />initial three (3) year term with a City option to exercise one (1), two (2) year extension <br />period. This term is outlined in the Standard Consultant Agreement, as contained in the <br />Appendix of this RFP as Attachment 2. <br />II. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS <br />A. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES <br />The City will provide information in its possession relevant to preparation of required <br />information in this RFP. The City will provide only the staff assistance and <br />documentation specifically referred to herein. <br />B. PROPOSER RESPONSIBILITIES <br />Point of Contact: The selected proposers will assume responsibilities for all <br />services in its proposal. The selected proposers shall identify a sole point of contact with <br />the greatest knowledge concerning the required service operations and contractual <br />matters, including payment of all charges resulting from the Agreement. <br />City o N anta na RFP 23-02 age 6 <br />