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VI. IMPLEMENTATION <br />A. KICK-OFF MEETING <br />A kick-off meeting will be held after award of the contract. The selected Consultant and <br />their team will meet with City of Santa Ana staff to conduct introductions, discuss scope <br />of services, and implementation processes. <br />B. NOTICE TO PROCEED <br />Prior to issuance of a formal Notice to Proceed (NTP), Consultants shall provide all <br />required bonds, insurance documents, and contents of the Information Packet for review <br />and approval by the City. <br />VII. PUBLIC RECORDS <br />All data, documents and other products used, developed, or produced during response <br />preparation of this RFP will become property of the City. All responses to this RFP shall <br />become property of the City. Proposer information identified as proprietary information <br />be maintained confidential, to the extent allowed under the California Public <br />Records Act. <br />Proposals will become public record after award of contract. Proposer information <br />identified as proprietary information shall be maintained confidential, to the extent <br />allowed under the California Public Records Act. <br />City o N anta na RFP 23-02 age 11 <br />