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<br />Hall, Jennifer <br />From:lucy Solorzano <> <br />Sent:Tuesday, August <br />To:eComment <br />Subject:Agenda Item for August 1, 2023 -not called on Zoom <br />Hello, <br /> <br />I was on hold on zoom for today's meeting, August 1, 2023. My hand was raised, and I was not called on to <br />speak. Not sure what happened. Here is my statement of what I was going to read. <br /> <br />The reason for my call is to support Councilman Hernandez request to reconsider fees for registering events and <br />reserving facilities. <br />My name is Lucinda Solorzano, I’m a board member of Artesia Pilar Neighborhood Association. <br />We are one of 62 neighborhood associations. We are all 100 percent volunteers, driven by the desire to <br />improve our community, not by monetary gain. <br />As volunteers, we are the heart and soul of these neighborhood associations. Our dedication and commitment <br />have created a vibrant and caring community that we are all proud to call home. Our organization does not have <br />a formal operational budget. We don’t charge dues and all our events have been free and open to all Santa Ana <br />residents. <br />For the past decade Artesia Pilar association is supported by the City of Santa Ana’s Neighborhood Initiatives <br />and Environmental Services. Without the help of Margarita, Alyssa, Frank and formerly Scott Kutner Artesia Pilar <br />would not be as active as it has been. <br /> <br />Increasing fees would have a detrimental impact on our beloved association in several ways: <br />1. Exclusion of residents: Our diverse community is what makes us strong, but higher fees might alienate <br />some of our members, preventing them from participating and sharing their valuable insights. We risk <br />losing the perspectives and voices that enrich our discussions and decision making. <br />2. Volunteer Retention: The spirit of volunteerism flourishes when individuals feel appreciated and <br />empowered. Higher fees might put an undue burden on our volunteers, leading to fatigue and <br />possible resignation. Losing dedicated volunteers will weaken our capacity to carry out essential <br />projects and events. <br />3. Reduced Community Engagement: Our association thrives on inclusivity and participation. By raising <br />fees, we could inadvertently discourage residents from attending meetings, workshops and <br />events. This reduced engagement will hinder and diminish the sense of community that we've worked <br />so hard to foster. <br />1 <br /> <br />