City Council Meeting PacketAugust 15, 2023CLOSED SESSION MEETING – 4:00 PMREGULAR OPEN MEETING – 5:30 PM (Immediately following the Closed Session Meeting)CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER22 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92701Valerie AmezcuaMayorThai Viet PhanCouncilmember – Ward 1 Benjamin VazquezCouncilmember Ward 2Jessie LopezMayor Pro Tem Ward 3 Phil BacerraCouncilmember Ward 4Johnathan Ryan HernandezCouncilmember Ward 5 David PenalozaCouncilmember Ward 6Mayor and Council telephone: 7146476900Agenda item inquiries: 7146476520Sonia R. CarvalhoCity Attorney Kristine RidgeCity Manager Jennifer L. HallCity ClerkIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this Meeting,contact Michael Ortiz, City ADA Program Coordinator, at (714) 6475624. Notification 48 hours prior to the Meeting will enablethe City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. The City Council agenda and supportingdocumentation can be found on the City’s website – VISION AND CODE OF ETHICSThe City of Santa Ana is committed to achieving a shared vision for the organization and itscommunity. The Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles (Values) are the result of a thoughtfuland inclusive process designed to set the City and organization on a course that meets thechallenges of today and tomorrow, as follows:Vision The dynamic center of Orange County which is acclaimed for our: Investment inyouth • Safe and healthy community • Neighborhood pride • Thriving economic climate •Enriched and diverse culture • Quality government servicesMission To deliver efficient public services in partnership with our community which ensurespublic safety, a prosperous economic environment, opportunities for our youth, and a highquality of life for residents.Guiding Principles Collaboration • Efficiency • Equity • Excellence • Fiscal Responsibility •Innovation • TransparencyCode of Ethics and Conduct At the Special Municipal Election held on February 5, 2008,voters approved an amendment to the City Charter which established the Code of Ethics andConduct for elected officials and members of appointed boards, commissions, andcommittees to assure public confidence. The following are the core values expressed: •Integrity • Honesty • Responsibility • Fairness • Accountability • Respect • EfficiencyMembers of the public may attend the City Council meeting inperson or join via Zoom. TheCity Council meeting will occur live via teleconference Zoom webinar. You may view themeeting from your computer, tablet or smart phone via YouTube LiveStream or on CTV3, available on Spectrum channel 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public who wish to address the City Council onclosed session items, items on the regular agenda or on matters which are not on theagenda, but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council may do so by one ofthe following ways:MAILING OPTION written communications – Public comments may be mailed to:Office of the City Clerk, 20 Civic Center Plaza M30, Santa Ana, CA 92701. All writtencommunications received via mail by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting will bedistributed to the City Council and imaged into the City’s document archive systemwhich is available for public review.SENDING EMAIL OPTION – Public comments may be sent via email to the CityClerk’s office at Please note the agenda item you arecommenting on in the subject line of the email. All emails received two (2) hours beforethe scheduled start of the meeting will be distributed to the City Council and imagedinto the City’s document archive system which is available for public review.LIVE VIRTUAL OPTION – Members of the public may provide live comments duringthe meeting by Zoom or Conference Call. To join by Zoom click on or type the followingaddress into your web browser To join theConference Call: Dial (669) 9009128 and enter MEETING ID: 315 965 149#. You willbe prompted by the City Clerk when it is time for a: i) closed session item, ii)general agenda item, iii) public hearing item, iv) special agenda item, or v) for HousingAuthority item. You may request to speak by dialing *9 from your phone or you mayvirtually raise your hand from Zoom. After the Clerk confirms the last three digits of thecaller’s phone number or Zoom ID and unmutes them, the caller must press *6 ormicrophone icon to speak. Callers are encouraged, but not required, to identifythemselves by name. Each caller will be provided three (3) minutes to speak, unlessdue to the number of speakers wanting to speak a decision is made to provide adifferent amount of time to speak.INPERSON OPTION Members of the public can provide inperson comments at thepodium in the Council Chamber. The Council Chamber will have seating available formembers of the public to attend the meeting inperson. Public comments are limited tothree (3) minutes per speaker, unless a different time is announced by the presidingchair. Speakers who wish to address the Council must do so by submitting a“Request to Speak” card by 4:00 p.m. for Closed Session items and by 5:45 p.m.for all other designated public comment periods as listed below. Cards will not beaccepted after the Public Comment Session begins without the permission of thepresiding chair.The following designated public comment periods are:1. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS – You can provide livecomments on closed session items by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described inthe LIVE or INPERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. Speaker queue will openat 3:30 p.m. YOU MUST JOIN ZOOM OR THE CONFERENCE CALL BY 4:00 p.m.Speakers who are not in the speaker queue by 4:00 p.m. will not be permitted to speak. 2. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS AND NONAGENDAITEMS (GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT) – You can provide comments by joining Zoom orthe Conference Call as described in the LIVE or INPERSON PUBLIC COMMENTSOPTION above. Speaker queue will open at 3:30 p.m. YOU MUST JOIN ZOOM OR THECONFERENCE CALL PRIOR TO 5:45 p.m. Speakers who are not in the speaker queue by5:45 p.m. will not be permitted to speak.3. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS – You can providecomments by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the LIVE or INPERSONPUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. Speakers not in the queue by 5:45 p.m. will not bepermitted to speak. TRANSLATION SERVICES Spanish interpreting services are provided at CityCouncil meetings. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided through the useof headsets and consecutive interpretation (SpanishtoEnglish) in addition to thosewishing to address the City Council at the podium. La ciudad provee servicios de interpretación al español en las juntas del Concilio. La interpretación simultánea al español se ofrece por medio del uso de audífonos yla interpretación consecutiva (español a inglés) también está disponible paracualquiera que desee dirigirse al concilio municipal en el podio.About the AgendaTo download or view the attachments (staff report and other supporting documentation) foreach agenda item, you must select the agenda item to see the attachments to either open ina new link (the eyeball ) or download a pdf (the cloud symbol with the down arrow ).CLOSED SESSIONCALL TO ORDERATTENDANCE Council Members Phil BacerraJohnathan Ryan HernandezDavid PenalozaThai Viet PhanBenjamin VazquezMayor Pro Tem Jessie LopezMayorValerie AmezcuaCity Manager Kristine RidgeCity Attorney Sonia R. CarvalhoCity Clerk Jennifer L. HallROLL CALLADDITIONS\DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSIONPUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address the City Council on ClosedSession items.RECESS – City Council will recess to Closed Session for the purpose of conducting regularCity business.CLOSED SESSION ITEMS – The Brown Act permits legislative bodies to discuss certainmatters without members of the public present. The City Council finds, based on advice fromthe City Attorney, that discussion in open session of the following matters will prejudice theposition of the City in existing and anticipated litigation:1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant toParagraph (1) of subdivision (d) of the Government Code: A. Albert Castillo v. City Council of the City of Santa Ana, et al., Orange CountySuperior Court, Case No. 30202301339759CUWMCJC B. Micah’s Way v. City of Santa Ana, et al., United States District Court, Case No.8:23CV00183DOCKES2.PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government CodeSection 54957(b)(1)TITLES: City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk3.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to California Government CodeSection 54957.6(a)Agency Designated Representative: Jason Motsick, Human Resources ExecutiveDirectorUnrepresented Employees: City Manager, City Attorney, City ClerkRECONVENE – City Council will reconvene to continue regular City business.CITY COUNCIL REGULAR OPEN SESSIONCALL TO ORDERATTENDANCE Council Members Phil BacerraJohnathan Ryan HernandezDavid PenalozaThai Viet PhanBenjamin VazquezMayor Pro Tem Jessie LopezMayorValerie AmezcuaCity Manager Kristine RidgeCity Attorney Sonia R. CarvalhoCity Clerk Jennifer L. HallROLL CALLPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor AmezcuaWORDS OF INSPIRATION Rupert Vega, Police ChaplainADDITIONS\DELETIONS TO THE AGENDACEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS1.Certificate of Recognition presented by Mayor Amezcua to Alexis Rodriguez Mejia forAcademic Excellence/Accomplishments.2.Certificate of Recognition presented by Councilmember Hernandez to the late BBoyAbu for Outstanding Contributions to the Community.3.Proclamation presented by Councilmember Vazquez declaring August 28 – September 1, 2023 as National Community Health Workers Awareness Week.STAFF PRESENTATIONS4.Permit Parking Program UpdateCLOSED SESSION REPORT – The City Attorney will report on any action(s) from ClosedSession.PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comments will be held during the beginning of the meeting forALL comments on agenda and nonagenda items, with the exception of public hearings.Comments for public hearings will take place after the hearing is opened.CONSENT CALENDARRECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve staff recommendations on the followingConsent Calendar Items: 5 through 26 and waive reading of all resolutions andordinances.5.Excused AbsencesDepartment(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: Excuse the absent members.6.Appoint Maria Baeza Nominated by Mayor Pro Tem Lopez as the Ward 3Representative to the Environmental and Transportation Advisory Commission for aPartialTerm Expiring December 10, 2024Department(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: Appoint Maria Baeza to the Environmental andTransportation Advisory Commission as the Ward 3 representative and administer theOath of Office.7.(Re)appoint Members to the Workforce Development Board for a FourYear TermDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: 1. Reappoint Ignacio Alegre, Gail Araujo, Annebelle Nery,Enrique Perez, Johanna Rivera, Bob Tucker, and Dennis Varnum to the Santa AnaWorkforce Development Board for a fouryear term expiring May 31, 2027.2. Appoint Veronica Hernandez (replacing Magdalena Fernandez) for a partial fouryear term expiring May 31, 2026.3. Appoint Rhonda Miller (replacing Stacey Sanchez) for a partial fouryear termexpiring May 31, 2026. 8.Authorize Staff to Provide a Letter of Interest to CalOptima Health to Have the City ofSanta Ana be Considered as a Future Expansion City for its Street Medicine ProgramDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize staff to provide a Letter of Interest to CalOptimaHealth to launch a Street Medicine Program in the City of Santa Ana that will providehealth and social care developed specifically to address the complex needs andcircumstances of unhoused, unsheltered individuals in the City of Santa Ana. 9.Approve a Modification to the Fiscal Year 202324 Annual Action Plan and Budget forthe Emergency Solutions Grant ProgramDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: 1. Approve a modification to the Fiscal Year 202324 AnnualAction Plan and Budget for the Emergency Solutions Grant Program.2. Direct the City Attorney to finalize and authorize the City Manager to execute asubrecipient agreement with Illumination Foundation, in the amount of $100,000, for aterm beginning August 15, 2023 – June 30, 2024, for rapid rehousing and homelessprevention activities, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Managerand City Attorney (Agreement No. 2023XXX). 10.Approve Appropriation Adjustment to Program Year 202324 Budget for the NationalDislocated Worker Grant and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act ProgramsDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment recognizingadditional National Dislocated Worker Grant, Employment Recovery funds from theState of California, Employment Development Department to provide reemploymentand training services to individuals impacted by COVID19 in the amount of $360,000in revenue account (no. 1231800252009) and appropriating same to expenditureaccount (no. 123187626xxxx) (Requires five affirmative votes).2. Approve an appropriation adjustment recognizing $2,884 in additional DislocatedWorker Title Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds from Program Year202223 in revenue account (no. 1231800252001) and appropriating same toexpenditure accounts (no. 1231875261000 and 1231875469138) for Program Year202324 (Requires five affirmative votes).11.Agreement with the State of California Workforce Development Board for the Prisonto Employment (P2E) 2.0 GrantDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute anagreement with the State of California Workforce Development Board (M904627120) for the Prison to Employment 2.0 Grant, for a term from August 16, 2023through December 31, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $927,341.16, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No.2023XXX).12.Authorize a Purchase and Sale Agreement in the Amount of $3,826,000 for Full RealProperty Acquisition for 28 Civic Center Plaza (Property Owner: State of California)(NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute the Purchase andSale Agreement and all required documents for the acquisition of real propertylocated at 28 Civic Center Plaza (APN: 00806736), in the amount of $3,826,000plus closing costs and escrow fees, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved bythe City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2023XXX).13.Receive and File the Orange County Grand Jury’s Investigative Report, Findings, andRecommendations Regarding Group Homes and the Orange County Animal CareShelter and Authorize the City Manager to Deliver the City’s Response to the Findingsand Recommendations to the Presiding Judge of the Superior CourtDepartment(s): Planning and Building AgencyRecommended Action: Receive and File the Orange County Grand Jury’sInvestigative Report, Findings, and Recommendations Regarding Group Homes andthe Orange County Animal Care Shelter and Authorize the City Manager to Deliver theCity’s Response to the Findings and Recommendations to the Presiding Judge of theSuperior Court.14.Public Intoxication and Substance Abuse Enforcement Informational ReportDepartment(s): Police DepartmentRecommended Action: Receive and file.15.Street Naming No. 202301 to Change the Name of a Segment of North MaburyStreet and South Elk Lane between East Fourth Street and East Chestnut Avenue,Adjacent to the Santa Ana Zoo, to South Zoo LaneDepartment(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community ServicesRecommended Action: Affirm the Planning Commission’s adoption of a resolutionapproving Street Naming No. 202301 to change the name of segments of NorthMabury Street and South Elk Lane between East Fourth Street and East ChestnutAvenue, adjacent to the Santa Ana Zoo, to South Zoo Lane.16.Receive and File Informational Report Regarding Partnership Agreements with theOffice of Congressman Lou Correa and the Office of Supervisor Vicente Sarmientofor Chicano Heritage Festival 2023Department(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community ServicesRecommended Action: 1. Receive and File Informational Report RegardingPartnership Agreements with the Office of Congressman Lou Correa and the Office ofSupervisor Vicente Sarmiento for Chicano Heritage Festival 2023. 2. Approve an appropriation adjustment to recognize a total financial donation in theamount of $5,000 from the Office of Congressman Lou Correa. (Requires fiveaffirmative votes)3. Approve an appropriation adjustment to recognize a total financial donation in theamount of $10,000 from the Office of Supervisor Vicente Sarmiento. (Requires fiveaffirmative votes)17.Approve an Appropriation Adjustment to Receive Sponsorship Funds from, and Enterinto Sponsorship Agreement with, Laborers’ International Union Local #652 for theChicano Heritage Festival 2023Department(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community ServicesRecommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment to recognize atotal amount of $7,000 in Sponsorship Funds from Laborers’ International Union Local#652. (Requires five affirmative votes)2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Sponsorship Agreement with Laborers’International Union Local #652, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by theCity Manager and City Attorney.18.Receive and file Quarterly Report of Contracts authorized by the City Manager aspermitted by Charter Section 421.Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: Receive and file Quarterly Report of Contracts entered intobetween April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023. 19.Amend Aggregate Blanket Order Contracts for Office Furniture, Installation, andRelated Services with GM Business Interiors, People Space, Inc., Pivot Interiors, Inc.,Quality Office Furnishing, Inc., CulverNewlin, Inc., and Yamada Enterprises, andinclude National Business Furniture to the list of approved vendors on contract, for anew nottoExceed Aggregate Amount of $10,507,548. (Specification No. 19114, 23080, 23081, 23082, 23092) (General and NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment toincrease the aggregate contract authority by $4,480,000 for various citywide furnitureprojects, for a new aggregate not to exceed amount of $10,507,548.2. Authorize the City Manager to include National Business Furniture in the list ofapproved vendors on the aggregate contracts listed below, with a term expiring onMay 31, 2026, with provisions for one additional renewal option, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney.Vendor LocationCulverNewlin Corona, CAGM Business Interiors Riverside, CANational Business Furniture Milwaukee, WIPeople Space Irvine, CAPivot Interiors Costa Mesa, CAQuality Office Furnishings, Inc.Yorba Linda, CAYamada Enterprises Huntington Beach, CA20.Historic Property Preservation AgreementDepartment(s): Planning and Building AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the MillsAct agreement with the belowreferenced property owners for the identifiedstructure(s), subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager andCity Attorney.Property Owner(s)Historic PropertyPreservationAgreement No.Address/House Vote by HRCDaniel and DianaVogel (AgreementNo. 2023XXX)202306 621 North SpurgeonStreet 5:0:0:3 (Jauregui,Shipp, andCornelius Absent)21.Approve an Appropriation Adjustment for the Santiago Park Trail and HabitatRestoration Project (Project No. 246601) (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Approve an appropriation adjustment to recognize the StateCoastal Conservancy grant revenue of $400,000 into the Public Works Agency (PWA)Parks Capital Grants, State GrantDirect Revenue Account and appropriate the sameamount into the SA River Conservancy Program, Improvements Other Than Buildings.(Requires five affirmative votes)22.Award Aggregate Blanket Order Contracts to ADT, LLC, Siemens Industry, Inc., andVFS Fire & Security Services for Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Systems Inspection,Repair, and Maintenance Services in a NottoExceed Aggregate Amount of$2,000,000 (Specification No. 23063) (General and NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Award aggregate blanket order contracts to ADT, LLC,Siemens Industry, Inc., and VFS Fire & Security Services for fire alarm and sprinklersystems inspection, repair, and maintenance services on an as needed basis, in anannual amount not to exceed $400,000, with a total aggregate amount not to exceed$2,000,000 for an initial oneyear term beginning September 1, 2023 and expiringAugust 31, 2024, with provisions for four, oneyear renewal options, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney.23.Approve an Agreement with ELS Architecture and Urban Design for ArchitecturalDesign Services of the Memorial Park and Aquatics Facility Renovation (Project No.221415) (NonGeneral Fund) (Revive Santa Ana)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a consultantagreement with ELS Architecture and Urban Design to provide master planning,contract documents, and construction support for the Memorial Park and AquaticsFacility Renovation in the amount of $1,547,104, with a contingency of $232,066, for atotal amount not to exceed $1,779,170, for a threeyear term beginning August 15,2023 and expiring August 14, 2026, with an option for two, oneyear extensions,subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney(Agreement No. 2023XXX).24.Approve Agreement Amendments with OnCall Stormwater Project DesignConsultantsDepartment(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a first amendment tothe agreements with Tetra Tech, Inc., CWE, and Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. toincrease the total expenditure amount for the remaining term of the agreement endingOctober 19, 2023, and for the optional twoyear extension period through October 19,2025, by an aggregate amount of $2,000,000, for a total amount nottoexceed$4,000,000, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager andCity Attorney (Agreement No. 2023XXX).25.Approve an Amendment to the Agreement with T.R. Holliman and Associates, Inc. forthe Preparation of Recycled Water Master Plan to Extend the Agreement Term (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to approve the secondamendment to agreement with T.R. Holliman and Associates, Inc. for the Preparationof Recycled Water Master Plan to extend the agreement term by one year, for a termbeginning August 19, 2023 and ending on August 18, 2024, with no supplementaryexpenses to the executed amount of $442,418, subject to nonsubstantive changesapproved by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2023XXX).26.City Manager Evaluation and Adopt a Resolution to Reflect Positive PerformanceEvaluation Conducted on August 1, 2023 and Approving an Amended Annual Salaryfor the City Manager, and Take Formal Action by Majority Vote of the City Council toNot Extend the City Manager’s Employment Agreement for One Additional YearDepartment(s): Human ResourcesRecommended Action: 1. Adopt a resolution affirming positive evaluation resultsand approving an adjusted annual salary for the City Manager, andRESOLUTION NO. 2023XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF SANTA ANA APPROVING A SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR THE CITYMANAGER BASED ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE 2. Take formal action by majority vote of the City Council to not extend the CityManager’s Employment Agreement for one additional year.**END OF CONSENT CALENDAR**BUSINESS CALENDAR27.Accept the Certificate of Sufficiency for Petition to Recall Councilmember JessieLopez, City Council, Ward 3, and Adopt Resolutions Calling a Special Election andAdopting a Regulation for Officer’s StatementDepartment(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: 1. Approve resolution accepting the certification of theOrange County Registrar of Voters as to the verification of signatures and the CityClerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency for petition seeking to recall Councilmember JessieLopez, City Council, Ward 3; andRESOLUTION NO. 2023XXX A R ESOLUTION OF THE CITY C OUNCIL OF THECITY OF SANTA ANA ACCEPTING THE CERTIFICATE AS TO VERIFICATION OFSIGNATURES ON PETITION AND CERTIFIC ATE OF SUFFICI ENCY FOR P ETITIONTO RECALL COUNCI LMEMBER JESSIE LOPEZ2. Approve two resolutions:1) calling and giving notice of a Special Municipal Election for the submission of thequestion of the recall of Councilmember Jessie Lopez to a vote by the electorate ofWard 3 of the City of Santa Ana and requesting specified services from the County ofOrange to conduct said election, andRESOLUTION NO. 2023XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIF ORNIA, CALLING AND GI VING N OTIC E OF THEHOLDING OF A SPECI AL MUNIC IPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD I N C O U N C IL W A R D 3 ON TUESD A Y,, 2023 FORSUBMISSION OF THE QUESTION OF THE RE CALL OF CERTAIN OFFICERS ANDREQUESTING SPECIFIE D SERVI C ES FR OM T HE COUN TY OF ORANGE TOCONDUCTSAID ELECTIO N2) adopting a regulation for officer’s statement and establishing a system forpayment of the cost of inclusion of the statement in the voter information guide.RESOLUTION NO. 2023XXX A RE SOLUTION OF THE CITY COU NCIL OF THECITY OF SANTA ANA ADOPTING A REGUL ATION FOR AN OFFICER WHOSERECALL IS BEING SOUG HT PERTAINING TO A STAT EMENT SUBMIT TED TO THEVOTERS AT A SPECIAL ELECTION ON TUESDAY, 2023 AND ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM FOR PAYMENT OF THE COSTOF INCLUSI ON OF THE OFFICER’S STATEMENT IN VOTER INFOR MATIONGUIDE/PAMPHLET AND/OR ELEC TRONIC COPY**END OF BUSINESS CALENDAR**PUBLIC HEARINGSPUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address the City Council on each of thePublic Hearing items.28.Public Hearing: Adopt a Resolution Rescinding Water Supply Shortage Level TwoDeclarationLegal notice published in the OC Reporter on August 4, 2023.Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Adopt a resolution rescinding the current Water SupplyShortage Level Two declaration.RESOLUTION NO. 2023XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THECITY OF SANTA ANA LOWERING THE CITY’S DROUGHT WATERCONSERVATION STANDARD FROM A WATER SHORTAGE LEVEL 2 TO AWATER SHORTAGE LEVEL 029.CANCELLED – Public Hearing – Adopt a Resolution Vacating the Portion of PublicRightofWay Adjacent to 2383 North Flower Street, Abandonment 2301.Legal Notice published in the Orange County Reporter on August 2 and 9, 2023.Notice of Cancellation posted on August 8, 2023 and published in Orange CountyReporter on August 11, 2023.Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: This public hearing will be renoticed and heard at a laterdate. No public testimony will be heard on August 15, 2023.CITY MANAGER COMMENTSCOUNCIL COMMENTSAB1234 DISCLOSURE – If the City paid for travel or other expenses this is the time formembers of the Council to provide a brief oral report on attendance of any regional board orcommission meeting or any conference, meeting or event attended.ADJOURNMENT – Adjourn the City Council meeting.Future Items
<br />1. Agreement for Street Sweeping Services
<br />2. Water Quality PFAS Presentation with Orange County Water District
<br />POSTING STATEMENT: On August 8, 2023, a true and correct copy of this agenda was
<br />posted at the entrance to City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Internet
<br />Access to City Council, Agency, and Authority agendas and related material is available prior
<br />to meetings at
<br />
<br />City Council 16 8/15/2023
<br />