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Scope of Services and Schedule <br />Areas of expected support to Planning and Land <br />Development include: <br />► Providing private project plan check services to <br />review priority WQMPs and Non -Priority WQMPs <br />for compliance with storm water regulations <br />► Advising developers, contractors, and engineers on <br />potential solutions to water quality issues related to <br />grading plans and encroachment permits <br />► Conducting post -construction BMP verification and <br />maintenance inspections to achieve the City's <br />compliance with MS4 permit requirements <br />Municipal NPDES Permit or Statewide Construction <br />General Permit Inspections, Training, and Enforcement <br />WSP has extensive experience with NPDES permits, <br />including the MS4 permit and CGP. Our staff has assisted <br />multiple cities with their municipal construction inspection programs covering the multiple types of <br />inspection programs required. Our staff can assist with guidance to inspection staff, assist with municipal <br />inspections should City staff become unavailable, or assist in a support training role for City staff. Our team <br />also can assist with implementation of the CGP requirements as the QSD or QSP for the City's CIP <br />projects should a contractor not fulfill their requirements or the City needs support throughout a <br />construction project. Our team has supported the City with similar support during past contracts. Our team <br />also routinely provides training on the requirements similar to the County's pre -wet season construction <br />training and can provide QSD/QSP training with staff with the CGP ToR certification. <br />6.3.2 Statewide Trash Provisions Support <br />Technical Knowledge <br />We have been leading the compliance effort for the Statewide Trash Provisions (also referred to as the <br />"Trash Amendments") within Orange County. From the onset, WSP worked on behalf of several Orange <br />County cities to create an ad hoc trash committee, provided numerous presentations on track selection <br />within southern California including presentations to the Orange County cities and at a Riverside County <br />workshop, and led efforts to develop a land substitution guidance document. We continue to be a leader in <br />identifying cost-effective pathways to comply with the Trash Provisions requirements. <br />Our extensive experience working with Orange County cities means we are familiar with the landscape and <br />understand the challenges presented by the Trash Provisions requirements. Our staff developed several <br />technical reports showing various compliance scenarios for multiple cities. We were also the lead author <br />through a contract with the County of Orange to develop a Trash Provisions Land Substitution Guidance <br />Document. Based on our extensive experience, our team is currently leading the effort in providing <br />comments related to trash provision compliance under the Santa Ana RWQCB's Regional Phase I MS4 <br />Permit. We understand the balance between having a flexible approach to having a clear compliance <br />pathway outlined in the MS4 permit. Our staff presented on this land substitution compliance approach at <br />several Orange County Storm water program <br />WSP's GIS team is also uniquely qualified for this work. Our GIS manager for trash provision compliance is <br />Mr. Kacen Clapper. Kacen also has extensive expertise with the Trash Provisions and storm water <br />regulatory compliance. He has trained several of our GIS support staff on Trash Provisions support tasks, <br />City of Santa Ana I Industrial/Commercial Inspection and NPDES Program Support Services I Page 124 <br />RFP No. 23-028 <br />