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Scope of Services and Schedule <br />history supporting this task for multiple clients including the City demonstrates there will be no "learning <br />curve" related to this task. <br />Full Capture System Recommendations and Regional Projects <br />Our staff have assisted with trash capture feasibility studies and review of structural BMPs, including the <br />review of regional BMPs, to assess if they are or could be retrofitted as certified FCS. As an example, we <br />completed a feasibility study on the Chantilly Storm Drain System for the City of Anaheim and continue to <br />assist the City of Irvine with the review of 42 natural treatment system basins. Our team has worked with <br />stakeholders including the cities, OCWD, Irvine Ranch Water District, and Caltrans on FCS projects. As the <br />City moves forward with regional BMPs, our staff can assist FCS certification for additional credit or in the <br />event additional trash needs to be captured. WSP's team has extensive knowledge of structural BMPs <br />based on our engineering team's review and team of inspection staff who verify structural treatment <br />controls. Through our experience, we can often provide simple, cost-effective solutions to retrofit BMPs to <br />meet compliance requirements. <br />Trash Provisions Deliverables <br />WSP has been assisting southern California municipalities with storm water -related MS4 permit reporting <br />and record keeping since 2003. In this capacity, our Orange County municipal clients have included the <br />cities of Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, Anaheim, Laguna Niguel, and San Juan Capistrano, as well as John <br />Wayne Airport. We understand that a large component of municipal NDPES program implementation <br />revolves around accurate and thorough record keeping, which is the foundation of good reporting. <br />The Santa Ana MS4 permits require annual reporting on all LIP components, including legal authority, illicit <br />discharge detection and elimination, land development planning, construction management, existing <br />development, and public education. The San Diego MS4 permit requires additional reporting on <br />jurisdictional strategies to address WQIP identified High Priority Water Quality Conditions. Our approach <br />for this task will focus on consideration of reporting and record keeping as part of all NPDES program <br />tasks. We will work closely with City staff to review existing program methods and propose new methods <br />for tracking and reporting, if needed, to better streamline the reporting process. <br />Over the past three years, Orange County Public Works has been encouraging cities to on -board to OC <br />Storm Water Tools, a new web -based countywide storm water BMP inventory, planning, and water quality <br />model tool. The web -based platform provides a uniform storm water asset management database linked to <br />spatial drainage data and a pollution load reduction model to quantify water quality benefits. The tool is <br />envisioned to encapsulate and eventually fulfil MS4 permit reporting requirements replacing the current <br />cumbersome reporting methods. It is our understanding that the City currently has a backlog of entries to <br />OC Storm Water Tools, which involve making field visits to City -owned and privately -owned storm water <br />treatment devices to verify status and O&M issues, researching existing WQMPs and grading plans, and <br />entering the data into the system. WSP is currently assisting several clients with this process (San Juan <br />Capistrano, Laguna Niguel, and Anaheim) and is familiar with the challenges that on -boarding may present <br />and the software quirks of the still evolving OC Storm Water Tools. <br />Areas of expected support in Reporting and Record Keeping include: <br />► Manage and update inventories to track inspections of municipal facilities, commercial facilities, <br />industrial facilities, WQMP projects, post -construction BMP maintenance and verification, and <br />construction site inspections <br />► Prepare and submit the City's Santa Ana MS4 permit quarterly reports for NPDES permit facilities <br />► Acquire, compile, and submit annual report data to Orange County Public Works for use in <br />development of Copermittee unified report <br />► Prepare NPDES MS4 Annual Reports for the Santa Ana and San Diego RWQCBs <br />City of Santa Ana I Industrial/Commercial Inspection and NPDES Program Support Services I Page 127 <br />RFP No. 23-028 <br />