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Scope of Services and Schedule <br />encompasses numerous aspects of TMDL implementation, including watershed planning, special studies, <br />and coordination with stakeholders involved in third -party TMDL development. We have experience with a <br />variety of TMDL approaches, including development of water effect ratios and load modeling for metals <br />TMDL; source assessment studies; and land use runoff monitoring projects to support long-term modeling <br />of pollutant loading. Under the last contract period, WSP developed recommendations on strategies for the <br />City to implement for the Newport Bay TMDL program. With the work performed and expertise on the <br />TMDL compliance issues, WSP provides extensive resources available to the City to meet the City's long- <br />term goals of having more control over the programmatic direction of the TMDL programs. <br />6.3.7 Watershed Management Plans (WMP) Support <br />Technical Knowledge <br />The WSP team has extensive experience preparing and implementing Water Quality Improvement Plans <br />(WQIP) or WMPs. WSP is currently assisting north Orange County cities with BMP data entry within the <br />web -based BMP asset and modeling tool, OC Storm Water Tools. In fact, OC Storm Water Tools will be a <br />key component of the WMP compliance strategy for Newport Bay. We have been involved since initial <br />development of the South Orange County WQIP in 2015 and currently assist several south Orange County <br />cities with providing comments on WQIP documents, completing WQIP jurisdictional strategy table <br />updates, and updating OC Storm Water Tools. We have also helped the South Orange County <br />Copermittees with TMDL Comprehensive Load Reduction Plans and provided comments on the draft Time <br />Schedule Order. The WSP team also has prepared and implemented several WQIPs within the San <br />Diego's watersheds. <br />Reasonable Assurance Analysis <br />Reasonable assurance analysis (RAA) provides the demonstration that the implementation of control <br />measures will, in combination with operation of existing or proposed of control measures, in combination <br />with operation or proposed storm drain system infrastructure and management programs, result in <br />sufficient pollutant reductions over time to meet TMDL wasteload allocations, water quality based effluent <br />limits, or other water quality targets specified in the MS4 permit. RAAs may also assist stakeholders or City <br />with budgetary impacts to meet pollutant reductions. As stated above, OC Storm Water Tools is anticipated <br />to be a key component of the WMP compliance strategy as a BMP inventory, planning, and water quality <br />modeling tool. The web -based platform provides a uniform storm water asset management database linked <br />to spatial drainage data and a pollution load reduction model to quantify water quality benefits. The tool is <br />envisioned to encapsulate and eventually fulfill MS4 permit reporting requirements replacing past reporting <br />methods. WSP has assisted several cities by updating information in the OC Storm Water Tools that will be <br />used to demonstrate load reductions. WSP's team can assist with the preparation of RAA, assess pollutant <br />reductions associated with new BMP projects, and/or review the RAA completed by the County. <br />WMP Compliance <br />WSP can support the City in many areas, such as: <br />► Preparing City comments on Orange County Storm Water Program -developed planning documents <br />and materials <br />► Preparing City comments on RWQCB-issued orders <br />► Participating in WMP program planning and implementation on behalf of the City <br />► Managing implementation of the WMP, including City -specific jurisdictional strategies, such as an <br />MS4 outfall dry weather flow reduction <br />► Participating in Newport Bay watershed TMDLs implementation efforts and compliance assessment <br />City of Santa Ana I Industrial/Commercial Inspection and NPDES Program Support Services I Page 130 <br />RFP No. 23-028 <br />