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Notwithstanding the above, REACH shall release to the City in writing the following information <br />on employees who have been referred into the REACH Program as a condition of employment with <br />the City: <br /> <br />A) Whether employee has agreed to participate in the Assistance Program. <br /> <br />B) List of all appointments of employee kept and missed, together with reason, if any, for <br />missing the appointment. <br /> <br />C) Submission of the employee’s anticipated treatment plan as a participant in the Program. <br />This plan shall consist of the following: <br /> <br />1) The anticipated number of visits, appointments, or sessions requested of the <br />employee. <br /> <br />2) The type of therapeutic procedures in general terms that the employee is to <br />receive during the employee's participation with the REACH Program or the <br />treatment provider(s). <br /> <br />3) Description of the treatment service provider the employee is referred to by <br />REACH. <br /> <br />4) Any other information not contained in the employee's treatment service <br />provider medical record deemed appropriate by the City to evaluate the employee's <br />participation in the Assistance Program. <br /> <br />D) Any conclusion or opinion of REACH or employee's treatment service provider that the <br />employee is limited or restricted in his/her ability to perform the employee's job duties, such <br />limitation may be, but not necessary, limited to physical, psychological, or medical reasons. <br /> <br />E) Any conclusion or opinion of REACH or employee's treatment service provider that <br />employee's participation may necessitate employee's absence from the City. <br /> <br />F) That employee has failed, refused, or otherwise has discontinued to proceed with the <br />REACH Program or any treatment service provider. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />NOTE: The City agrees that in cases where an employee agrees to be referred by management to <br />REACH, the Supervisor will seek written permission from the employee to inform REACH of the <br />circumstances leading up to the referral. <br />The City agrees to in no way insist or demand confidential information from the REACH program <br />on specific individuals who do not want their information released to the City. <br /> <br />Service Providers: Exceptions will also be made in cases when the employee and/or immediate <br />family members sign a written release authorizing the release of information by REACH to one or <br />more agreed upon service providers. <br /> <br /> <br />2