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6/5/23, 3:07 PM Active Funded Award <br />*/!TABTHREAD3?pyActivity=%40baseclass.pzProcā€¦8/12 <br />for with grant funds for such work or activities, without prior written approval, via Grant Award Modification <br />(GAM), from OVW. <br />Non-supplantation <br />The recipient agrees that grant funds will be used to supplement, not supplant, non-federal funds that would <br />otherwise be available for the activities under this grant. <br />Confidentiality and information sharing <br />The recipient agrees to comply with the provisions of 34 U.S.C. 12291(b)(2), nondisclosure of confidential or <br />private information, which includes creating and maintaining documentation of compliance, such as policies <br />and procedures for release of victim information. The recipient also agrees to comply with the regulations <br />implementing this provision at 28 CFR 90.4(b) and "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the VAWA <br />Confidentiality Provision (34 U.S.C. 12291(b)(2))" on the OVW website at <br /> The recipient also agrees to ensure that all <br />subrecipients (subgrantees) at any tier meet these requirements. <br />Activities that compromise victim safety and recovery or undermine offender accountability <br />The recipient agrees that grant funds will not support activities that compromise victim safety and recovery <br />or undermine offender accountability, such as: procedures or policies that exclude victims from receiving <br />safe shelter, advocacy services, counseling, and other assistance based on their actual or perceived sex, <br />age, immigration status, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health condition, physical <br />health condition, criminal record, work in the sex industry, or the age and/or sex of their children; procedures <br />or policies that compromise the confidentiality of information and privacy of persons receiving OVW-funded <br />services; procedures or policies that impose requirements on victims in order to receive services (e.g., seek <br />an order of protection, receive counseling, participate in couples' counseling or mediation, report to law <br />enforcement, seek civil or criminal remedies, etc.); procedures or policies that fail to ensure service <br />providers conduct safety planning with victims; project design and budgets that fail to account for the access <br />needs of participants with disabilities and participants who have limited English proficiency or are Deaf or <br />hard of hearing; or any other activities outlined in the solicitation or companion guide under which the <br />application was submitted. <br />Policy for response to workplace-related incidents of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, and dating <br />violence <br />The recipient, and any subrecipient at any tier, must have a policy, or issue a policy within 270 days of the <br />award date, to address workplace-related incidents of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, and dating <br />violence involving an employee, volunteer, consultant, or contractor. The details of this requirement are <br />posted on the OVW website at (Award Condition: Policy for <br />response to workplace-related sexual misconduct, domestic violence, and dating violence), and are <br />incorporated by reference here. <br />Termination or suspension <br />The Director of OVW, upon a finding that there (1) has been substantial failure by the recipient to comply <br />with applicable laws, regulations, and/or the terms and conditions of the award or relevant solicitation, (2) <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32