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Local Guidelines for Implementing the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (2023) GENERAL PROVISIONS, PURPOSE AND POLICY. <br /> <br /> <br />2023 City of Santa Ana Local Guidelines 1-2 ©Best Best & Krieger LLP <br />activity constitutes a project that is subject to CEQA review, or whether the activity is exempt <br />from CEQA. <br />1.04 REDUCING DELAY AND PAPERWORK. <br />The State CEQA Guidelines encourage local governmental agencies to reduce delay and <br />paperwork by, among other things: <br />(a) Integrating the CEQA process into early planning review; to this end, the project approval <br />process and these procedures, to the maximum extent feasible, are to run concurrently, not <br />consecutively; <br />(b) Identifying projects which fit within categorical or other exemptions and are therefore <br />exempt from CEQA processing; <br />(c) Using initial studies to identify significant environmental issues and to narrow the scope <br />of Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs); <br />(d) Using a Negative Declaration when a project, not otherwise exempt, will not have a <br />significant effect on the environment; <br />(e) Consulting with state and local responsible agencies before and during the preparation of <br />an EIR so that the document will meet the needs of all the agencies which will use it; <br />(f) Allowing applicants to revise projects to eliminate possible significant effects on the <br />environment, thereby enabling the project to qualify for a Negative Declaration rather than <br />an EIR; <br />(g) Integrating CEQA requirements with other environmental review and consultation <br />requirements; <br />(h) Emphasizing consultation before an EIR is prepared, rather than submitting adverse <br />comments on a completed document; <br />(i) Combining environmental documents with other documents, such as general plans; <br />(j) Eliminating repetitive discussions of the same issues by using EIRs on programs, policies <br />or plans and tiering from statements of broad scope to those of narrower scope; <br />(k) Reducing the length of EIRs by means such as setting appropriate page limits; <br />(l) Preparing analytic, rather than encyclopedic, EIRs; <br />(m) Mentioning insignificant issues only briefly; <br />(n) Writing EIRs in plain language; <br />(o) Following a clear format for EIRs; <br />(p) Emphasizing the portions of the EIR that are useful to decision-makers and the public and <br />reducing emphasis on background material; <br />(q) Incorporating information by reference; and <br />(r) Making comments on EIRs as specific as possible. <br />1.05 COMPLIANCE WITH STATE LAW. <br />These Local Guidelines are intended to implement the provisions of CEQA and the State <br />CEQA Guidelines, and the provisions of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines shall be fully <br />complied with even though they may not be set forth or referred to herein.