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HOUSING AUTHORITY 3 July 18, 2023 <br />Department(s): Community Development Agency <br />Recommended Action: Approve an award of eight (8) project­based vouchers and <br />authorize the Executive Director of the Housing Authority to execute an Agreement to <br />Enter into a Project­Based Vouchers Housing Assistance Payments Contract with <br />Illumination Foundation for the development of the Intergenerational Housing project <br />located at 918 N. Bewley, Santa Ana, CA 92703, (APN 198­231­10), subject to non­ <br />substantive changes approved by the Executive Director of the Housing Authority and <br />Authority General Counsel (includes determination that recommended action is <br />exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant <br />to Section 15194 (Affordable Housing Exemption), as this project meets all the <br />required criteria as a 100­percent affordable/permanent supportive housing <br />development). <br />MINUTES: Authority Member Phan reported a recusal on Item No. 3 as <br />Illumination Foundation is a client of her employer. Chair Amezcua and Authority <br />Member Bacerra recorded “no” votes on Item No. 3. <br />YES: 4 – Authority Member Hernandez, – Authority Member Penaloza, – Authority <br />Member Vazquez, – Vice Chair Lopez <br />NO: 2 – Authority Member Bacerra, - Chair Amezcua <br />ABSTAIN: 1 – Authority Member Phan <br />ABSENT: 0 <br />Status: 4 – 2 – 1 – 0 – Pass <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY MEMBER COMMENTS <br />MINUTES: None <br />ADJOURNMENT – Adjourn the Housing Authority meeting. <br />MINUTES: Chair Amezcua adjourned the Housing Authority Meeting at 12:06 A.M. on <br />July 19, 2023. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Jennifer L. Hall, CMC <br />Secretary