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Quarterly Report for Housing Choice Voucher Program <br />August 1, 2023 <br />Page 4 <br />3 <br />6 <br />2 <br />5 <br />Recertifications / Interims: <br />Each year, the Housing Authority must re-certify every <br />assisted-family to verify the family is still eligible for <br />assistance. In addition, when a participant’s income <br />changes, an interim examination must be <br />performed. During the reporting period, a total of 841 <br />recertifications and interims were conducted. Chart 8 <br />illustrates the number of recertifications and interims <br />performed. <br />Other Change of Unit: <br />These actions are completed when a family moves to a different rental unit. Nineteen <br />(19) change of unit actions were processed during the reporting period. <br />New Admissions: <br />This action is completed when a family is admitted to the HCV Program. Sixty-eight (68) <br />new admissions were processed during the reporting period. <br />End of Participation: <br />This action is completed when the family is no longer interested in participating in the <br />program, the family becomes deceased, the family is no longer eligible for the program, <br />or the family is terminated from the program due to program violations. Thirty-five (35) <br />end of participation actions were processed during the reporting period. <br />Expired Vouchers: <br />This action is completed when an applicant is unable to locate a unit within the time <br />frame of their voucher and all extensions have been exhausted or no extension is <br />requested. There were nineteen (19) expired vouchers processed during the reporting <br />period. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. <br />Submitted By: Michael L. Garcia, Executive Director of Community Development <br />Approved By: Kristine Ridge, City Manager <br />185 192 211 <br />83 79 91 <br />0 <br />200 <br />400 <br />April May June <br />Re-exams Interims <br />8. Re-exams and Interims