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General Fund ReconciliationGeneral Fund ReconciliationRevenueExpenditures Net TransfersProposed Additions to FY 23-24 BudgetRecurring One-TimeFY22-23 Original Adopted 390,132,940 FY22-23 Original Adopted Budget367,177,700 36,419,060 Third & Broadway Development Contractual Obligation13,000,000 Adjustments 15,057,710 Remove One-Time Items (23,157,310) Right-of-way maintenance to cover Gas Tax revenue reduction to preserve current service levels670,290 FY22-23 Revised 405,190,650 City Council approved adjustments to recurring costs 1,732,000 (3,616,000) Potential Special Elections for City Council Recalls1,000,000 FY23-24 Adjusted Baseline 345,752,390 32,803,060 Workforce Changes for Full-Time Positions139,570 Measure X Growth 514,400 PWA Engineering/Project Management Fund Dissolution & Transfer to General Fund 500,000 Bradley-Burns Growth 165,400 Increase Baseline to annualize FY22-23 First Quarter additions with partial year funding as approved on staff report 11/15/22:Crossing Guard Program- Property Tax Growth 2,038,390 Addition of 5 Full-time Library positions and 1 Receptionist 97,190 Inmate Medical Services Contract Increase668,160 Property Tax In-Lieu of VLF Growth 1,806,670 Clariti Licenses for LMS System200,410 UUT Growth (2,047,930) Increase Baseline to annualize FY22-23 Mid-Year additions funding as approved on staff report 03/21/23:Funding for additional food cost related to new Otter habitat 30,000 Cannabis (4,009,850) Annualize Baseline budget for FY22-23 related to 10 approved staff changes to GF1,232,000 800Mhz Contract Increase153,210 Business License Tax - Aramark Contract Increase243,113 653,037 Hotel Visitors Tax (1,000,000) Employee Compensation Increase in excess of $5 million (step increases, etc.)5,844,203 Funding for Increase in Security Contract related to the Zoo 87,000 Normalize Plan Check & Permits (1,744,140) Helicopter Services Contract Increase55,380 Jail Revenue Growth 981,440 Pension Debt Cost Adjust (↓payments to CalPERS, ↑transfer for bond debt) (5,158,610) (3,481,780) Parking Control Enforcement Contract Increase120,700 Other net adjustments (956,360) Cannabis Public Benefit Transfer related to decrease revenue (262,580) Gas & Diesel Increase110,000 Increase Baseline to annualize Digital Billboards/Banners & Bus Stop Advertising/Maintaining of the public right-of-way as approved on staff report 06/21/22630,000 Parking Validation increase13,000 Increase of Overhead/Internal Service Charges 1,854,080 Personnel Board contract services50,000 Total Resources400,938,670 Orange County Fire Authority Contract Increase 2,100,000 Fire Station Ongoing Deferred Maintenance100,000 -1.0% CARE Ambulance Increase 313,500 Delhi Center Library Branch Rent & Operational Costs 76,030 City's 10% contribution to OC Streetcar operations Unknown Library Administrative Increases35,200 Total Recurring Spending(384,583,353) Beat-Making Program5,000 Transfer to Pension Stabilization FY24(16,285,920) Installation of Camera(s)100,000 Net Recurring Activity69,397 Other contract increases/decreases & minor changes across all departments (1,873) Community Intervention/Prevention Programs for Youth 200,000 FY23-24 Baseline (Recurring) 352,662,880 29,058,700 Stadium Event Flooring and related equipment980,000 Total One-Time Spending(29,439,332) Water Tower Tours initial feasibility & seismic study150,000 Waste Hauler Donation (Animal Services & PRCSA for Community Programs) 75,000 75,000 Estimated Beginning Balance 109,367,397 Consulting for GASB Implementations100,000 Net Activity (Net Recurring + One-Time Spending) (29,369,935) Additional Asphalt Pothole Repair Services500,000 Estimated Ending Balance 79,997,462 Citywide Roadway Striping & Signage Maintenance Improvement250,000 City Events900,000 Pension Debt Stabilization Prior Balance 7,748,811 Parking Enterprise Subsidy (inter-fund transfer)1,862,320 18% Reserve Requirement 72,068,961 Vehicle replacement and maintenance equipment820,000 Estimated Available 110,293$ Corporate Yard Machinery & Equipment700,000 Floor Renovations and work spaces2,346,850 City building improvement900,000 New Books - Opening Day Collections and On-going Collection Development 258,000 Consultant services for RFP development and prepare Climate Action Plan750,000 Equipment replacement471,850 Historic Project Consultants450,000 Fire Station Capital Improvements1,187,405 Traffic Signal on Segerstrom Avenue and Spruce Street675,000 Outside Legal Services250,000 Emergency Overtime150,000 Training25,000 Digitizing hard-copy records80,000 Bilingual recertifications50,000 Little Saigon Sign84,580 2,861,773 29,439,332 Page 3 of 676