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Recruitment, Staffing and Training <br />RECRUITMENTISTAFFING: <br />ACIVIS Managers will assess the staffing needs of the City of Santa Ana on an ongoing <br />basis. We will focus further recruitment efforts in the geographical areas where <br />additional Crossing Guards will be needed. <br />We have developed a comprehensive plan for recruitment of new Crossing Guards. As <br />a part of our Staffing strategy, we encourage a very aggressive recruitment program. We <br />utilize soft advertising, local media advertising, targeted flyers, on -site solicitation, school <br />flyers, open hiring events, and employee referral bonuses as parts of our overall <br />recruitment strategy. We often work closely with school districts in some of our <br />recruitment drives. <br />Our ability to effectively staff a Crossing Guard Program remains a fundamental benefit <br />that ACIVIS brings to most Crossing Guard Programs. Staffing sites is one of the primary <br />responsibilities of the Area Supervisors. They are trained to continuously recruit and <br />train prospective Crossing Guards. New recruits are first processed and submitted to the <br />Department of Justice for background clearance. <br />Supervisors are also responsible for coordinating the staffing for all sites under their <br />supervision. As part of our staffing strategy Area Supervisors aggressively enforce the <br />following policies and procedures for Crossing Guards. <br />Supervisors must maintain an adequate alternate or substitute <br />guard roster. We encourage at least a 4 to 1 ratio of sites versus <br />alternate guards <br />We require any guard not reporting for duty to notify the Area <br />Supervisor as early as possible utilizing our 24/7 Guard Hotline or <br />directly notifying their Area Supervisor. Notifications less than 1 <br />hour prior to shift starts are considered unexcused absences. <br />* our employee policy is "No call, No show, No Job" Throughout our <br />training we emphasize the importance of insuring the safety of <br />children by our presence. As such, we cannot allow the children's <br />* safety to be compromised by failing to call or show for duty. <br />Supervisor Teams — The City of Santa Ana would benefit from our presence in nearby <br />cities such as: Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Cypress, Laguna <br />Niguel, Los Alamitos, Yorba Linda, Placentia, Fullerton, Stanton, and Orange County <br />Sheriffs. Area Supervisors are grouped together by their geographic location. These <br />Teams meet every quarter and team members are encouraged to work together. This <br />cooperative effort allows them to share relief guards with each other, if needed. This has <br />resulted in alternates guards getting more hours as they are "shared" with other <br />Supervisors. Consequently, we are able to retain a more stable group of alternate <br />guards. <br />