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DocuSign Envelope ID: 362BF76C-6612-4192-937E-6EA1 F3DAF76E <br />VON <br />NTRACTOR must have their current course catalogs on file with the SAWDB. <br />TRACTOR agrees to immediately notify (within IQ working hays) the SAWDB, in writing, of <br />changes in the information submitted with initial agreement. <br />VinONTRACTOR agrees to accept WIOA eligible referrals from the Santa Ana WORK Center on an <br />dividual referral basis. <br />VCONTRACTOR shall not accept nor enroll WIOA participants who do not meet the <br />NTRACTOR's entrance requirements, which are to be the same general entrance requirements <br />required of public students, and agrees to submit a written notification 4o the Santa Ana WORT{ <br />q �C'e'nter's Case Manager stating the reason(s) for non -acceptance. <br />iN,�' CO <br />NTRACTOR agrees to assist the WIOA client in applying for PELL Grams and any other funds sthat might be available to offset the cost to WIOA and to work together with the WIOA client's Case <br />Manager to ensure all other funding sources are investigated and those funds obtained before <br />submitting the Vendor Voucher to the SAWDB for payment, <br />CONTRACTOR agrees to cross out sections of the student enrollment agreement that would hold the <br />WIOA participant financially responsible for any training related expenses. <br />Ice accepted, CONTRACTOR agrees to enroll the WIOA participant in the course stipulated on the <br />�� V, e//ndor Voucher and no other. <br />@"i QNTRACTOR agrees to invoice the Santa Ana WORK Center, on a cost reimbursement basis, for <br />// third party testing (Microsoft, Novell, Ad-, etc.) and wilt provide a copy of the Pass/Pail results at that <br />time. <br />Pre -Apprenticeship CONTRACTORS must include a letter of commitment from an approved <br />apprenticeship program and meet the application policies and procedures required for the type of <br />program (e,g., community college, private post -secondary, adult education provider, etc.). <br />VCONTRACTOR Apprenticeship Programs registered under cite Nattorurl Appivnilceship Act (NAA) <br />or recognized by DIR/DAS are exempt from initial eligibility procedures. Registered apprenticeship <br />programs must be included and maintained on the list of eligible providers of training services as long <br />as the corresponding program remains registered, as described at WIOA see, 122(a)(3). <br />CONTRACTOR agrees to allow SAWDB, Santa Ana WORK Center, the State of California, and the <br />Department of Labor, Clio WIOA clien(and any of their duly authorized representatives' access to all <br />the records regarding the WIOA client for monitoring purposes. The records include any books, <br />documents, palters, files and computer data directly pertinent to the records of the WIOA participant. <br />The right to records includes the right to make excerpts, transcripts and photocopies. The right also <br />includes the right to have reasonable and timely access to personnel for the purpose of interviews and <br />dis ussions related to the records of the WIOA participant <br />CONTRACTORagrees to provide progress reports which indicate grades and test scores, as well as <br />attendance reports, to the WIOA client's Case Manager on a monthly basis. <br />EXFIIEIT O <br />